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Covering the sphere with an approximately planar grid

Consider a triangulation of a radius $R$ sphere into $n$ triangles. Must $Ω(\sqrt n)$ triangles have $Ω(1)$ relative difference from being an equilateral triangle of area $4πR^2/n$?  ($Ω$ is from ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Volume of all Voronoi cells in n-dimensional bounded space

How can one find the volume of all Voronoi cells (bounded and unbounded) in an $n$-dimensional bounded space? For instance, consider an $N$-dimensional space (hypercube) with bounds on each dimension ...
Maaz's user avatar
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Number of polyhedral covers of a triangulation of $S^2$

For a given triangulation (combinatorial Type I. or Type II.) of a $2$-sphere, what is the number of unique polygonal covers with $n$ polygons where ($n$ goes from $2$ to $N$)? Under polygonal cover, ...
Kregnach's user avatar
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Influence of the degenerate Delaunay tiles on the Voronoï diagram

About three or four years ago, I implemented the Delaunay and Voronoi tessellations in Haskell, with the help of the Qhull C library. Now I reimplement it in R. I have noticed that including or not ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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dissections and vertices of non-convex polytopes

Let us call a finite union $P$ of $n$-dimensional compact convex polytopes in $\mathbb{R}^n$ a non-convex polytope. Recall that a dissection of $P$ is a finite collection $T$ of $n$-dimensional ...
Dima Pasechnik's user avatar
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Naming convention for different type of triangulations

When studying random geometries and related mathematical/physical stuff conflicting naming convention pops up regarding the naming of the different ensemble types of triangulations (in general ...
Kregnach's user avatar
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