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13 votes
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reverse mathematics of the Lebesgue measurability of analytic sets

Can the fact that all analytic sets are Lebesgue measurable be proven in $Z_2$, or in some weak subsystem such as $\Pi^1_1\text{-CA}_0$? Conversely, can certain set existence axioms be derived from ...
Alex Mennen's user avatar
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The "strong" measure number

Beyond measure zero we have yet another measure-y notion of smallness: strong measure zero. A set $S\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ is strong measure zero if, for any $f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}_{>0}$, ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Is there a class of mathematical structures with non-isomorphic natural representations as a standard Borel space?

Background. The field of Borel equivalence relation theory provides a robust, unifying theory that organizes most of the classification problems of classical mathematics into a hierarchy, allowing us ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
3 votes
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"Nicely" strong measure zero sets

This question is essentially an expanded version of the unanswered half of Two strengthenings of "strong measure zero". A set $X$ of reals is strong measure zero if, for any $f: \omega\...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Two strengthenings of "strong measure zero"

A set $X\subseteq\mathbb{R}$ is strong measure zero if, for every sequence $(\epsilon_i)_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ of positive reals, there is a sequence $(I_i)_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ of open intervals covering $X$...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
8 votes
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A Banach-Tarski game

This is partially inspired by the question, which I find intriguing if unclearly written. A paradoxical family of subsets ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Cohen algebra (generalization)

Let Bor($X$) = class of all borel subsets of $X$. Cohen algebra is defined as Bor(X) modulo the ideal of meager sets. The Cohen algebra has a combinatorial : it is the unique atomless complete ...
Rina Shora's user avatar