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Can one Gershgorin circle (only) contain all eigenvalues, when the other circles are not contained in it

In short, following a question from my students, I am trying to find a special case where all the eigenvalues of a matrix lie within only one circle, but not in the others, and the other circles are ...
Itay's user avatar
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Typical eigenspectrum of a random projection of a large matrix

Suppose I have a real symmetric $m \times m$ matrix $\Lambda$. This matrix is large ($m \gg 1$) and, for simplicity, we'll assume it's diagonal. I then construct a random $n \times n$ projection $$ A =...
dotdashdashdash's user avatar
5 votes
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Eigenvalues of Random Regular Bipartite Graphs

I am looking for a way of getting a good estimate of the eigenvalues of random bipartite d-regular graphs. The literature has very precise values the proofs of which are very involved and since I am ...
user1189053's user avatar
4 votes
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Lower bound minimum eigenvalue of a positive semi-definite Hermitian matrix with bounded entries

Let $M \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$ be a matrix with the following properties: $M$ is Hermitian and positive semi-definite (all the eigenvalues are real and nonnegative). The diagonal entries of $M$ ...
getraparth's user avatar
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Empirical approaches to validate observational bounds on minimum gap between least eigenvalues of $n \times n$ correlation matrix and its submatrices

Let $\Sigma$ be an $n \times n$ correlation matrix whose least eigenvalue is denoted by $\lambda$. $\Sigma_i'$ be an $(n-1) \times (n-1)$ submatrix of $\Sigma$ obtained by eliminating the $i$-th row ...
Saurabh Agrawal's user avatar
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Expectation of the operator norm of projection of a random permutation matrix

Assuming I have a fixed dimension $p$ subspace of $\mathbb{R}^d$ orthogonal to $1^d$ and $VV^\top$ with $V \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times p}$ is the orthogonal projection to the subspace. What bound can I ...
Kaiyue Wen's user avatar
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Spectrum of Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse multiplied by a constant

Consider a random rectangular matrix $X\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times P}$ where each entry is drawn from iid distribution with mean $m$ and variance $s^2$, and denote $X^+$ the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse. ...
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