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Does quantifier elimination help here?

Suppose we have a quantified linear program $$\exists z_1,\dots,z_{poly(n)}\in\mathbb R$$ $$\exists u_1,\dots,u_n\in\mathcal P\cap\mathbb R^m$$ $$\forall v_1,\dots,v_n\in\mathcal P\cap\mathbb R^m$$ $$...
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Detecting non-negativity of a single constraint by polyhedral constraints - $I$

We consider $$\langle a,x\rangle=b$$ (linear constraints) where $x\in\mathbb R_{\geq0}^n$ and every entry in $a=(a_1,\dots,a_n)$ is in $\mathbb Z_{\geq0}^{n}$ (non-negative) and the entry $b$ is in $\...
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On OR condition in Linear Programming with exponentially many constraints [closed]

Suppose we have two linear programs $Ax\leq b$ and $Bx\leq c$ is there a way to combine them into one program of possibly a larger dimension $Cy\leq d$ such that projection of vectors $y$ into a ...
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