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Inequality for the operator norm of a product of matrices

I am working with a product of $n\times n$ matrices $A_1,\ldots,A_k$. Under which conditions can I assume that $$\|A_1\cdots A_k\|_\infty \leq \|A_1\cdots \hat{A_i}\cdots A_k\|_\infty \|A_i\|_\infty,...
BGJ's user avatar
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Bounding the matrix norm of a commutator $[A,B]$ in terms of the norms of $A$ and $B$

The setup is as in this question: Given a norm $N$ over ${\bf M}_n(\mathbb C)$, it is a natural question to find the best constant $C_N$ such that $$N([A,B])\le C_N N(A)N(B),\qquad\forall A,B\in{\bf M}...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Bound of spectral radius of polynomial of a complex matrix

I am trying to prove or disprove the following inequality. $$ ||P(A)||_2\leq 2 \max_{\alpha\in W(A)}| P(\alpha)|,$$ where $P(\cdot)$ is a complex polynomial, $A\in \mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$ and $W(A)...
Brian Ding's user avatar
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Hölder's inequality for matrices

I was wondering if the Hölder's inequality was true for matrix induced norms, i.e. if $$\|AB\|_1 \leq \|A\|_p\|B\|_q, \quad\forall p,q \in [1,\infty] \text{ s.t. } \tfrac{1}{p}+\tfrac{1}{q} = 1.$$ But ...
Paglia's user avatar
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Bounding the trace of a matrix product by the operator norms; generalized Hölder inequality?

$\DeclareMathOperator\Tr{Tr}$Let $A_i$ with $i=1,\dotsc,N$ and $p$ be real $M\times M$ matrices. Further, let $p$ be positive definite, i.e., $p\succ 0$, with $\Tr(p)=1$. Let $0< a_i<1$ and $\...
Tom Marks's user avatar
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