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Problems where Conjugate gradient works much better than GMRES

I am interested in cases where Conjugate gradient works much better than GMRES method. In general, CG is preferable choice in many cases of SPD because it requires less storage and theoretical bound ...
arbitUser1401's user avatar
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Preconditioner for finding the smallest eigenpairs of a large, but structured, matrix

I'm trying to find the eigenvector corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of a large $(4,000,000 \times 4,000,000)$ matrix $L$. $L$ is a graph Laplacian, with the following structure: $L = D -...
Jeff's user avatar
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reference for perturbation of projection result

Let $A$ and $B$ have the same rank and dimensions. If $P_A$ denotes the projection onto the range space of $A$, then $$ \|P_A - P_B\|_2 \leq \|A - B\| \cdot \min (\|A^\dagger\|_2, \|B^\dagger\|_2). $$ ...
AatG's user avatar
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Determining Nullspace Basis such that only one column is deleted or added as row is added or deleted, and remaining columns of basis stay the same

I would like to compute, in MATLAB, the basis Z for the nullspace of an m by n matrix A, such that if one row of A is added (resulting in A_a), the basis for A_a is n-m-1 of the n-m columns of Z, i.e.,...
Mark L. Stone's user avatar
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Preconditioners for $Ax=y$ that rely on hierarchical statistical modeling

Solving $Ax=y$ exactly can be done as: fit a linear autoregressive model by treating rows of $A$ as data apply this model to $A^T y$ Imperfect predictive model corresponds to an approximate inverse ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Computing the norm of the columns of an implicitly defined matrix

I have an $n \times n$ matrix $M = \Sigma W$ where $\Sigma$ is diagonal and $W$ orthogonal. $W$ is implicitly defined, i.e. I can only perform matrix-vector products (but I also have access to $W^T$). ...
Giuseppe Ottaviano's user avatar
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block diagonal approximation of (SPD) matrix

I am interested in approximating a symmetric matrix in a block diagonal form, i.e. compute just some entries of the matrix located in blocks around the diagonal. Are there any theoretical guarantees ...
Foivos's user avatar
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Checking for error in conjugate gradient algorithm

What is a good way to check if the any numerical error is occured in conjugate gradient algorithm. Additionally why is it not suggested to check error by checking A-orthogonality of search direction ...
arbitUser1401's user avatar
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Vandermonde-type factorization of moment matrix?

Consider $n,d \in \mathbb{N}_{>0}$, there are many functions $y:\mathbb{N}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}$. Now for simplicity, we denote $y(\alpha)$ to be $y_{\alpha}$. Let $|\alpha| = \sum_{i=1}^{n}\alpha_{i}...
patchouli's user avatar
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Complexity of singular value decomposition using matrix multiplication oracles

Suppose I have an $n\times m$ real matrix $A$, $n\ll m$ with full row rank $(\mathrm{rank}(A) = n)$. I have an oracle that can compute $Ax$ or $A^T y$ for any $x\in \mathbb{R}^m, y\in \mathbb{R}^n$. ...
AspiringMat's user avatar
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smallest singular value over invertible sub-matrices

Consider the matrix $M = \begin{bmatrix} A & A B \end{bmatrix} \in R^{n \times (n+m)}$, with $A \in R^{n\times n}$, $B \in R^{n \times m}$, $m < n$, $m > 1$, $A$ symmetric positive definite. ...
yon's user avatar
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Concentration of bilinear forms

This is a bit vague so I'll begin by indicating the motivation. I am looking for ways to [do something interesting or useful] with the self-attention in transformer models. Ultimately the self-...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Decomposition of symmetric block matrix

I came across this question and got really interested about it. There, the OP asks whether is possible to decompose a $2n \times 2n$ block matrix: $$ \begin{pmatrix} X & I \\ I & Y \end{...
InMathweTrust's user avatar
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Numerically finding matrix approximation by lower-dimensional "pseudo-similar" matrix

Consider an $N\times N$ (real or complex) matrix $A$, and some $n<N$. Is there a good numerical algorithm that finds the set consisting of an $n\times n$ matrix $B$, an $n\times N$ matrix $I$, and ...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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How to solve a non-local self-consistent equation

I have been struggling lately with solving numerically an equation of the form: $$ g(x\pm x_{0}) = F[ g(x) ] $$ where $g(x)$ is a matrix satisfying the condition $g(x\to\pm\infty)=0$. My question is ...
Zarathustra's user avatar
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Bits of precision matrix reconstruction

We have a real rank $r$ matrix $M\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$. Suppose we have diagonalized using $LMR=D$. I want to recover a real matrix $\widetilde{M}$ such that maximum absolute entry of $\widetilde{...
Turbo's user avatar
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