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77 votes
7 answers

What is the symbol of a differential operator?

I find Wikipedia's discussion of symbols of differential operators a bit impenetrable, and Google doesn't seem to turn up useful links, so I'm hoping someone can point me to a more pedantic discussion....
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Geodesics on $SU(4)$

Are the geodesics of the following metrics on $SU(4)$ known or easy (in a way not known to me!) to find? In the adjoint representation, one can express the Killing form as a matrix and consider it as ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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1 answer

Wedge Product of Lie Algebra Valued One-Form

I've been reading about the formal structure of gauge theories and am a little confused by the notation. Could someone clarify this for me? Suppose that $A$ is a Lie algebra valued 1-form ...
Edward Hughes's user avatar