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Closed form for $a(2^m(2^n-2^p-1))$

Let $q(n)$ be A007814, i.e., the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of $n$. Here $$q(2n+1)=0, q(2n)=q(n)+1$$ Let $a(n)$ be A329369. Here $$a(2n+1)=a(n), a(2n)=a(n)+a(n-2^{q(n)})+a(...
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Closed form for the A347205

Let $q(n)$ be A007814, i.e., number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of $n$. Here $$q(2n+1)=0, q(2n)=q(n)+1$$ Let $\operatorname{wt}(n)$ be A000120, i.e., number of $1$'s in binary ...
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Closed form for the sum of the integer coefficients

Let $a(n)$ be A002720, i.e., number of partial permutations of an $n$-set; number of $n \times n$ binary matrices with at most one $1$ in each row and column. $$a(n)=\sum\limits_{k=0}^{n} k!\binom{n}{...
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Representing A329369 using A358612

Let $a(n)$ be A329369 (i.e., number of permutations of $\{1,2,\dotsc,m\}$ with excedance set constructed by taking $m-i$ ($0 < i < m$) if $b(i-1) = 1$ where $b(k)b(k-1)\cdots b(1)b(0)$ ($0 \...
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Closed form for the number of steps required to get $n$ balls in the last box

Let $\operatorname{wt}(n)$ be A000120, i.e., number of $1$'s in binary expansion of $n$ (or the binary weight of $n$). Then we have an integer sequence given by $$a(n)=n(n+1)-\sum\limits_{k=0}^{n}\...
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