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Complexity of integer programming with added predicates

A classical theorem in Integer Programming by Lenstra says that any integer system $$A x \le b$$ can be solved in polynomial time, where $A \in \mathbb{Z}^{m \times n}, x \in \mathbb{Z}^n, b \in \...
Danny Nguyen's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What are the definable sets in Skolem arithmetic?

Definable subsets of $\mathbb N$ in the language of Presburger arithmetic are exactly the eventually periodic sets and quantifier free part corresponds to Integer Programming with linear inequalities ...
Turbo's user avatar
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3 votes
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Nonexistence of short integer program sequence which generates squares

Is there a way to show within an integer program with constant number of variables and constraints of length $poly(\log B)$ (say length $\leq10^{1000000}\log B$), it is not possible for a variable to ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Constructivity of two problems on a standard simplex?

Maximizing a hyperplane $\sum_i a_ix_i$ where $a_i\in\mathbb R$ and each $a_i$ are fixed and non-negative and $x_i$ are variables over a standard simplex $\sum_i x_i\leq 1$ with $0\leq x_i$ always ...
VS.'s user avatar
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Proof for non-existence of short integer program for squares

We do not know if $P=NP$ or not or if there is a superfast integer mutiplication algorithm. But I do not think either assumption is necessary to answer this question. Is there a way to show within an ...
Turbo's user avatar
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$\mathsf{NP}$ complete version of Skolem arithmetic

Definable subsets of $\mathbb N$ in the language of Presburger arithmetic are exactly the eventually periodic sets and quantifier free part corresponds to Integer Programming with linear inequalities. ...
Turbo's user avatar
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-1 votes
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On OR condition in Linear Programming with exponentially many constraints [closed]

Suppose we have two linear programs $Ax\leq b$ and $Bx\leq c$ is there a way to combine them into one program of possibly a larger dimension $Cy\leq d$ such that projection of vectors $y$ into a ...
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