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$G$-crossed (braided) fusion categories and Tannaka duality

Many important concepts in tensor category theory have their counterpart in Hopf algebra theory under Tannaka duality. They have the general form: let $A$ be an XX-algebra, and let Rep$(A)$ denote the ...
Zhiyuan Wang's user avatar
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Does there exist a nontrivial triangular weak Hopf algebra?

Quasitriangular weak Hopf algebras (QWHAs) are defined in Nikshych-Turaev-Vainerman (2000): A QWHA is a pair ($H,\mathcal{R}$) where $H$ is a WHA and $\mathcal{R} \in \Delta^{op}(1)(H\otimes H)\Delta(...
Zhiyuan Wang's user avatar
4 votes
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Is the Drinfeld element of a semisimple quasitriangular Hopf algebra invariant under the Drinfeld twist?

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional semisimple quasitriangular Hopf algebra over $\mathbb{C}$ with universal $R$-matrix denoted by $\mathcal{R}\in A\otimes A$. The Drinfeld element of $A$ is defined as $$...
Zhiyuan Wang's user avatar
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Is anything known about the center of the Fomin-Kirillov algebra?

Let $\mathcal{B}_{\mathbb{S}_m}$ be the quotient of the Fomin-Kirillov algebra so that its pairing becomes certainly nondegenerate. This algebra is conjecturally isomorphic to the Fomin-Kirillov ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
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Are the Drinfeld doubles of twist equivalent Hopf algebras twist equivalent?

Let $H_1$ and $H_2$ be finite dimensional Hopf algebras that are twist equivalent, i.e. $H_2$ is obtained from $H_1$ using a Drinfeld twist. My question is: are the Drinfeld doubles $D(H_1)$ and $D(...
Zhiyuan Wang's user avatar
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Yetter-Drinfeld modules for Hopf monads

1. Context. 1.1. Classical Yetter-Drinfeld modules. Let $H$ a bialgebra in a braided monoidal category $\mathcal{C}$. A left-right Yetter-Drinfeld module over $H$ is a triple $(V,\rho,\Delta)$ ...
Max Demirdilek's user avatar
7 votes
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Easy example of a non-symmetric braiding of $\operatorname{Rep}(G)$?

What is the smallest group $G$ such that $\operatorname{Rep}(G)$ has a non-symmetric braiding (or just an easy example)? I seem to remember a result classifying all universal $R$-matrices of $\mathbb ...
shin chan's user avatar
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Lagrangian subcategories of (non-pointed) braided tensor categories

I am interested in generalising the following claim in On braided fusion categories I (Remarks 4.67.) “A braided fusion category $\mathcal C$ may have more than one Lagrangian subcategory. E.g., if $\...
Anne O'Nyme's user avatar
5 votes
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Braided monoidal category, example

Let $H$ be a cocommutative hopf algebra. Let $M$ be the category of $H$-bimodules. Does the category $M$ form a braided monoidal category with tensor product $\otimes_{H}$ ?
lun's user avatar
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Deligne Tensor Product of Categories, Explicit Equivalence of $A\otimes_\mathbb{C} B\text{-Mod} \cong A\text{-Mod}\boxtimes B\text{-Mod}$

$\newcommand\Mod[1]{#1\text{-Mod}}$Does any one have a reference on a explicit equivalence between $$\Mod{A\otimes_\mathbb{C} B} \cong \Mod A\boxtimes \Mod B?$$ The proof in "Tensor Categories ...
Andy Nguyen's user avatar
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Comodule Morita equivalence for Hopf algebras

Let $A$ and $B$ be two Hopf algebras, and denote by $\mathcal{M}^A$ and $\mathcal{M}^B$ their respective categories of right comodules. If we have a monoidal equivalence between $\mathcal{M}^A$ and $\...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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When is the action of the braid group on tensor powers of Yetter-Drinfeld modules faithful?

Let $V$ be a Yetter-Drinfeld module over a Hopf algebra $H$ with invertible antipode. Recall that $V$ is a braided vector space with braiding $\Psi\colon V\otimes V\to V\otimes V, v\otimes w\mapsto v_{...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
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Integrals and finite dimensionality in braided Hopf algebras

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra with invertible antipode. Let $A$ be a braided Hopf algebra in the Yetter-Drinfeld category ${}_H^H\mathcal{YD}$ over $H$. A nonzero left integral in $A$ is a nonzero ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
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On reflexive bialgebras

Let $A$ be a bialgebra. We can consider $A$ as a relfexive algebra (i.e. $A\cong A^{o*}$) or relfexive coalgebra (i.e. $A\cong A^{*o}$ where in each case $o$ denotes what is sometimes called ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
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Tensor algebras in the bicategory $\mathsf{2Vect}$

To my knowledge there are two main approaches to categorify the notion of a vector space. I will refer to them as BC-2-vector spaces (Baez, Crans) and KV-2-vector spaces (Kapranov, Voevodsky). Both ...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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Integrals in noncommutative graded algebras which are not necessarily Hopf

Let $\mathbf{k}$ be a field. Let $A$ be a finite dimensional $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$-graded $\mathbf{k}$-algebra such that $A^0=\mathbf{k}1$. Let $m$ be the maximal non-negative integer such that $A^m\...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
11 votes
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The tensor product of two monoidal categories

Given two monoidal categories $\mathcal{M}$ and $\mathcal{N}$, can one form their tensor product in a canonical way? The motivation I am thinking of is two categories that are representation ...
Nadia SUSY's user avatar
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Scaling Yetter--Drinfeld Modules

A braided vector space is a pair $(V,\sigma)$ consisting of a vector space $V$, and a linear map $\sigma:V \otimes V \to V \otimes V$, satisfying the Yang--Baxter equation. Ee can scale the braiding ...
Nadia SUSY's user avatar
9 votes
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The dual of a dual in a rigid tensor category

For a rigid tensor category $\cal{C}$, can it happen that, for some $X \in {\cal C}$, we have that $X$ is not isomorphic to $(X^{*})^*$, for $*$ denoting dual? If so, what is a good example.
Max Schattman's user avatar
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References of an operator $T: V \otimes V \to V \otimes V$

Let $V$ be a vector space with a basis $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ and let $X_{ij} = v_i \otimes v_j$. Then $X_{ij}, i,j=1,\ldots, n$, is a basis of $V \otimes V$. Let $T: V \otimes V \to V \otimes V$ be the ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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When are the braid relations in a quasitriangular Hopf algebra equivalent?

Quasitriangular Hopf algebras have to satisfy, amongst other conditions, the following equations: $$(\Delta \otimes \mathrm{id}) (R) = R_{13} R_{23}$$ $$(\mathrm{id} \otimes \Delta) (R) = R_{13} R_{12}...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
17 votes
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Braided Hopf algebras and Quantum Field Theories

It is well-known, that there are a lot of applications of classical Hopf algebras in QFT, e.g. Connes-Kreimer renormalization, Birkhoff decomposition, Zimmermann formula, properties of Rota-Baxter ...
mikis's user avatar
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What's the relation between half-twists, star structures and bar involutions on Hopf algebras?

A star structure on a Hopf algebra is an antilinear antiautomorphism squaring to 1 and satisfying some further axioms. A Hopf algebra with a star structure is then a star algebra and a Hopf algebra in ...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
11 votes
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What is the role of fiber functor in Deligne's theorem on Tannakian categories?

The theorem states that, for a field $k$ of characteristic 0, any $k$-linear tensor category with $End(1)=k$ satisfying a condition that each object is annihilated by a Schur functor, is equivalent to ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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3 votes
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How well is the classification of low-dimensional semisimple Hopf superalgebras (or braided Hopf algebras) understood?

As far as I know, low-dimensional semisimple Hopf algebras are classified (along with non-semisimple ones) up to dimension 60, with the first example of a semisimple Hopf algebra not coming from a ...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
7 votes
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Do dualizable Hopf algebras in braided categories have invertible antipodes?

A classical result of Larson and Sweedler says that a finite dimensional Hopf algebra over a field has invertible antipode. Does this result extend to the setting of Hopf algebras in braided ...
Evan Jenkins's user avatar
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Semisimple Hopf algebras with commutative character ring

Suppose that $A$ is a semisimple Hopf algebra with a commutative character ring. Does it follow that $A$ is quasitriangular, i.e $\mathrm{Rep}(A)$ is a braided tensor category? I think I 've seen ...
Sebastian Burciu's user avatar
13 votes
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What is the universal enveloping algebra?

Let ${\mathfrak g}$ be a Lie algebra in a symmetric monoidal category enriched over $K$-vector spaces, i.e., in particular, hom-s are $K$-vector spaces (where $K$ is a field of characteristic zero). ...
Bugs Bunny's user avatar
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