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Hausdorff dimension of the non-differentiability set of a locally Lipschitz function

Let $f:\mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$ and $E := \{x \in X : f \text{ not Fréchet differentiable at }x\}$. Then $E$ is Borel measurable. It is well-known that Theorem If $f$ is convex, then the Hausdorff ...
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Hausdorff dimension and non-empty intersections with lines

Let $A\subseteq [0,1]^d$, $d\geq 2$, a set with Hausdorff dimension $\operatorname{dim}_{\mathcal{H}}A=s$. What is the minimum $s$ (if any) which guarantee that $A$ has non-empty intersections with a ...
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