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A generalized Hausdorff dimension in form of a Lower semi continuous function

Let $(X,d)$ be a compact metric space. Assume that $f:X\to \mathbb{R}$ is a positive continuous function. We say that the $f$-dimension of $(X,d)$ is equal to $0$ if for every $\epsilon>0$ ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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A set whose Hausdorff dimension gradually changes?

Can there be a set whose Hausdorff dimension gradually changes? For instance, a set of real numbers contained in an interval, whose Hausdorff dimension is 0 at the beginning and 1 closer to the end, ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Hausdorff dimension of boundaries of open sets diffeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^n$

Let $B$ be a bounded open subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ which is diffeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^n$. (I am not sure how important the diffeomorphism is but this is the case I am interested in.) Let $C$ be its ...
Fabian Wirth's user avatar
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