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A standard name for a function satisfying the intermediate value theorem?

Do you know any (standard) name for a function $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ having the following weak intermediate value property: $(*)$ for any connected subset $C\subset \mathbb R$ and points $a,b\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Name for a topological space where every closed set contains a closed point

A coauthor and I have stumbled upon a useful topological property -- namely, we are interested in the property that every nonempty closed set contains a closed point. However, neither of us are ...
Neil Epstein's user avatar
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How to call a point in a space having the property that there is essentially one $\omega$-sequence converging to it?

Consider the point $x=\langle \omega_1,\omega\rangle$ in the Tychonov plank $(\omega_1 + 1)\times(\omega + 1)$. Then there is essentially only one sequence (of length $\omega$) converging to it, ...
Mathieu Baillif's user avatar
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Terminology for notion dual to "support"

If $X$ is a set (feel free to think of it as finite, but it doesn't have to be) and $f$ a real function on $X$, call the support $\operatorname{supp} f$ the subset of $X$ consisting of all elements $i\...
Igor Khavkine's user avatar
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Continuity of equivalence relations

A function $\varphi : X \rightarrow Y$ between two topological spaces is continuous if and only if $\varphi(\,\overline{A}\,) \subset \overline{\varphi(A)}$ for all $A \subset X$. This property can ...
coudy's user avatar
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Does this property of scattered spaces have a name?

(Note: I asked this question at MSE a week ago and received no answer, so I am now reposting it here.) Let $K$ be a (Hausdorff) scattered topological space and for each ordinal $\alpha$ denote by $K^{...
Philip Brooker's user avatar
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Pseudocompactness, countable compactness and locally finite open covers

Let $(P_1)$ be the property: Every locally finite open cover of $X$ has finite subcover. Let $(P_2)$ be the property: Every locally finite open cover of $X$ is finite. Let $(P_3)$ be the property: ...
Jakobian's user avatar
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Classification of limit points

Let $X$ be a subset of a topolgical space with no open points. Then $$\overline{X}=X_1\sqcup X_2\sqcup X_3\sqcup X_4\sqcup X_5$$ where $X_1$ are isolated points of $X$, $X_2$ are interior points, $X_3=...
Alex Gavrilov's user avatar
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Terminology for a generalization of the initial topology

This may be a simple piece of terminology, but I have not located it. For the initial topology, we are given a set of functions, indexed by $\alpha$, $f_{\alpha}:X\rightarrow Y_{\alpha}$, where each ...
Buzz's user avatar
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Equivalence relation induced by Kolmogorov quotients

Recall: given a (possibly non-$T_0$) topological space $X$, its Kolmogorov quotient $KX$ is the $T_0$ topological space formed by $X/\sim$ where $x\sim y$ if they are topologically indistinguishable. ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
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Name for mappings that are "not quite projections"

Is there a known name for the following definition? Consider topological spaces $X$, $Y$ and $f: X \rightarrow Y$ a continuous mapping. Then, $f$ is an "almost projection" if there is a topological ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Is there a literature name for this concept of a "graded metric"?

Given a space $X$, I have been thinking about a function $d\colon X \times X \times \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$ (i.e. with values that are nonnegative reals) with the properties below. One may ...
user501428's user avatar
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$n$-connected spaces (terminology)

A graph is called $n$-connected if it remains connected after removal $\le n$ vertices. Question. What is the name of an analogous property of topological spaces: a space that remains connected after ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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How do you call a map which sends convergent sequences to pre-compact ones ?

In my work I encountered a map $f$ between two metric spaces $X$ and $Y$ that was not continuous (at least I couldn't prove it was), but I was able to prove that convergent sequences $(x_n)$ in $X$ ...
Thomas Richard's user avatar
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Well-embedded type property for bounded functions

According to @Tyrone the term well-embedded set was first used in Measures on Metacompact Spaces by W. Moran. In the article Extensions of Zero-sets and of Real-valued Functions by R. Blair and A. ...
Jakobian's user avatar
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Is there a standard name for the following class of functions on non-Hausdorff manifolds?

Let $M$ be a (not necessarily Hausdorff) smooth manifold. Given an open chart $U\subset M$ and a compactly-supported smooth function $f:U\to\mathbb{R}$ on $U$, define $\widetilde{f}:M\to\mathbb{R}$ by ...
user49822's user avatar
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Terminology for the property: "Each uncountable disjoint open family is locally countable"

Suppose that a topological space $X$ satisfies the following property (P): "Each uncountable disjoint open family is locally countable", where a family $\mathcal U$ of subsets of $X$ is ...
Nur Alam's user avatar
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Name for a sequence of open sets, each dense in the complement of the previous ones in the subspace topology

Let $X$ be a topological space. Let $\mathfrak{U} = \langle U_\alpha:\alpha\in\gamma\rangle$ be a sequence of non-empty open subsets of $X$ of length $\gamma$ ($\gamma$ an ordinal). Say (for now) that ...
Mathieu Baillif's user avatar
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Selectively countable Boolean algebras of sets (terminology)

I am interested in the name for the following property of a Boolean algebra $\mathcal A$ of subsets of a set $X$: $(\star)$ for any sequence $(A_n)_{n\in\omega}$ of pairwise disjoint nonempty sets in $...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Why the name 'regular' space?

It is well known that a regular space is a topological space $X$ with these two properties: 1)All one point sets are closed. 2)For every $x\in X$ and every closed set $B$ (such that $x\notin B$), ...
mahdi meisami's user avatar