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Factors of automorphy from Chern connection

This question is inspired by a recent question about holomorphic bundles and factors of automorphy. Suppose $X$ is a compact, complex manifold whose universal cover $\widetilde{X}$ is Stein (the ...
Andy Sanders's user avatar
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Different definitions of "charged spinors": "bundle splicing" vs. "twisted spinor bundles"

Currently I study the mathematical formulation of the (classical) standard model of particle physics using the language of gauge theory and spin geometry. One of the central objects in the standard ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Derivative of the Bott-Chern forms

The Bott-Chern forms are constructed formally in Bismut's "Analytic Torsion and Holomorphic Determinant Bundle I" (page 74). This construction can be found as well in "Lectures on Arakelov Geometry" ...
BinAcker's user avatar
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What is the space for the coefficients of the connection 1-form of a connection in a vector bundle?

Let $E\to X$ is a a (smooth real) vector bundle with structure group some Lie group $G$. Suppose we have a (linear) connection $\nabla$ on $E$. Is it true that if $A$ is the connection 1-form of ...
Mauricio Tec's user avatar
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Tensor product of associated vector bundles

Let $(P, X, \pi, G)$ and $(P', X, \pi', G')$ be two principal bundles (with Lie groups $G$, $G'$ respectively). Given a vector space $V$ and representations $\rho, \rho'$ of the Lie groups in this ...
José Psicodélico's user avatar
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Vector bundle connection over complex manifold vs. over underlying real manifold

Let $(X,g)$ be an Hermitian manifold, and $(E,h)$ be an Hermitian vector bundle over $X$ of rank $r$. Denote by $(X^{\mathbb{R}},g^{\mathbb{R}})$ the underlying Riemannian manifold of $(X,g)$. ...
A curious cat's user avatar
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Canonical connection on $\mathcal{A}\times X$

Let $E\rightarrow X$ be a vector bundle and let $\mathcal{A}$ denote the space of connections on $E$. Pulling back $E$ by the second projection we obtain a vector bundle $\mathbb{E}=p_2^*E\rightarrow ...
BinAcker's user avatar
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Extend a gauge transformation

Suppose $M$ is a smooth manifold and $P$ is a principal bundle on $M$. Let $U^\prime\Subset U\Subset M$ be strictly contained precompact open subsets. Let $g\in C^\infty(U, \hbox{Ad}P|_U)$ be a ...
user188722's user avatar
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Is conjugation by gauge transformation of $G$-bundle contained in $\mathfrak{g}$?

Before painstakingly defining all these terms, let me ask my question in plain english: given a $G$-bundle, is every conjugate of a vector field by a gauge transformation an element of the Lie algebra?...
pre-kidney's user avatar
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Geometry of the complex Gauge group

Let $E\rightarrow X$ be holomorphic vector bundle on a complex manifold $X$. Denote by $\mathcal{G}=\Gamma(Aut(E))$ the group of complex smooth automorphisms of $E$. Is there a way to endow $\...
BinAcker's user avatar
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