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Questions tagged [free-groups]

66 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Accessible subgroups of free groups

Let $F$ be a nonabelian free finitely generated group, and $F = G_0 \rhd G_1 \rhd G_2 \dots$ a strictly descending subnormal chain of subgroups ($G_n \lhd G_{n-1}$ for each $n \in \mathbb{N}$) each ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Free profinite completions

Let $m,n \in \mathbb{N}$. Which residually finite groups $G$ generated by $m$ elements, have the free profinite group on $n$ generators as their profinite completion?
Pablo's user avatar
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Elements of minimal length in normal closures of elements in free groups

Let $F_n$ be a free group of rank $n$. Let $w\in F_n$ be cyclically reduced. What can be said about the element(s) of minimal length from the $\textit{ncl}(w)$ (normal closure of $w$ in $F_n$)? Under ...
Alexey Kvashchuk's user avatar
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Stable commutator length of elements in free groups. (page 13) In the above paper by Danny Calegari he says that the result $\text{scl}(g) \geq 1/2$ (i.e. a stable commutator length $\text{scl}(g) := \...
Alexey Kvashchuk's user avatar
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A generalisation of residual finiteness?

A group $\Gamma$ is Residually Finite (RF) if $\forall g \neq e \in \Gamma$ there is a homomorphism $h: \Gamma \to G$ where $G$ is a finite group such that $h(g) \neq e$. Free groups are known to be ...
mathstudent42's user avatar
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When does bottom stratum of relative train track map give rise to irreducible outer automorphism of free groups

Let $F_n$ be the free group of finite rank $n$ and let $\mathcal{O} \in \text{Out}(F_n)$. Let $\Gamma$ be a finite graph and $f : \Gamma \to \Gamma$ a relative train track representative of $\mathcal{...
24601's user avatar
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How can I build free unital magmas?

N. Bourbaki formally defines the free magma $M(X)$ over a set $X$. However, it does not define the free unital magma over $X$, which I am denoting by $M^{\ast}(X)$ (maybe you know some more common ...
cl4y70n____'s user avatar
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Free profinite products

Let $F$ be a nonabelian finitely generated free profinite group, and let $x \in F$. Must there be some $1 \neq y \in F$ such that $\langle x,y \rangle$ is isomorphic to the free profinite product of $\...
Pablo's user avatar
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Can a profinite completion be free pro-p?

Is there a prime number $p$ and a finitely generated residually finite group whose profinite completion is a free pro-$p$ group on a nonempty finite set? Thanks to YCor we see that we cannot take the ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Dense free subgroups

Let $F$ be a free pro-$p$ group (for a prime number $p$) on a finite set $X$, $\Phi$ the abstract subgroup generated by $X$, $\{1\} \neq N \lhd_c F$. Is it possible that $\Phi \cap N = \{1\}$?
Pablo's user avatar
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A bound on the size of the center

Let $p$ be a prime number, $F$ a free pro-$p$ group, $H \leq_c F$ of infinite index. Can it be that $$\sup_{N \lhd_o F} |Z((F/N)/C_{F/N}(HN/N))| < \infty ?$$
Pablo's user avatar
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Order of elements in amalgamated free products

Reading the book "A Course in the Theory of Groups" by D. J. S. Robinson, I was looking at the proof of 6.4.3 (iii), which states (suppose we are in the case of two groups): if $G_1$ and $...
MikeTrooper's user avatar
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Fundamental domain of Möbius transformations

In the book Indra's pearls, Möbius transformations are used to construct Kleinian fractals, which are limit sets of a free group generated by two Möbius transformations $a$ and $b$. In the process of ...
p6majo's user avatar
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Intersection of subgroup of a free group with the lower central series

If I have a subgroup $S$ of a free group $\mathcal{F}_m$, what can I say about the behaviour of the descending sequence of subgroups $\left< S, \Gamma_c(\mathcal{F}_m) \right>$ (where $\Gamma_c(\...
Thomas Meyer's user avatar
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specific qi on free groups

Let $F_n$ be the free group on $n$ generators, $n>1$. If $\phi$ is a quasi-isometry (or a bijective bilipschitz equivalence) on $F_n$, then what can we say about the explicit form of $\phi$? In ...
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Bases and transversals

Let $F$ be a free finitely generated group, $L \leq H \leq F$ subgroups of finite index. Given bases $B$ of $F$ and $C$ of $H$, must there be a Schreier transversal $T$ for $H$ in $F$ such that the ...
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