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Non-vanishing of a "push-forward" Fourier–Harish-Chandra transform on a compact set

Let $G \subset \operatorname{GL}_d(\mathbb{R})$ be a non-compact semi-simple Lie group and $K \subset G$ a maximal compact subgroup. Let $\mathfrak{g}$ (resp. $\mathfrak{k}$) be the Lie algebra of $G$ ...
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Certain Fourier transforms involving Whittaker function and Bessel functions

I recently meet the following two weird "Fourier transform" questions. (I), Suppose that $F$ is a $p$-adic field (the same question can be asked over any local field, including $\mathbb{R}$ ...
Q-Zh's user avatar
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Relating the R-transform in free probability to noncommutative group representations

In traditional (commutative) probability theory, sums of random variables correspond to convolutions of distribution functions, which plays well with the Fourier Transform. In free (noncommutative) ...
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When one can expect $\widehat{(fg)} = \hat{f} \ast \hat{g}$; $f, g\in L^{1} (G)$?

Let $f, g \in L^{1}(\mathbb T)= L^{1} ([-\pi, \pi))$. We define, the Fourier transform of $f$ as follows: $$\hat{f}(n)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} f(t) e^{-int} dt, \ (n\in \mathbb Z).$$ It is ...
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How to get Fourier–Stieltjes transform on $\mathbb R$ from the nice function on $\mathbb T$ (periodic on $\mathbb R$)? [closed]

We put, $M(\mathbb R)= $The set of bounded complex Borel measure $\mu$ on $\mathbb R$ and for $\mu \in M(\mathbb R)$, we define $||\mu||:= |\mu| (\mathbb R) = \text {total variation of } \ \mu $; and ...
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