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2 answers

Floer homology and Invariants for Einstein Field Equations?

Motivation: There have been the instanton (anti-self dual connection) solutions to the Yang-Mills equation $d_A^\ast F_A=0$ which extremize the YM energy $\int_M|F_A|^2$, leading to the Donaldson ...
Chris Gerig's user avatar
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How to compute the Monopole Floer Homology for Surface $\times S^1$ ?

We know that Monopole Floer homology of a 3-manifold $M$ depends on a spin-c structure. My question is that if $M$ is $F\times S^1$ ($F$ is a surface of genus larger than 1) then how can we compute ...
juliuslin's user avatar
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Computation of the Fredhom index in Floer theory

I have been reading Salamon's lecture notes on Floer homology, and to compute the Fredholm index of operators they use the fact that the spectral flow of $A(s)$ is the Fredholm index. Now in the proof ...
Someone's user avatar
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Parametric Sard-Smale theorem - when is the generic set open?

I am learning Morse/Floer Theory and in my work on my master's thesis I want to apply the parametric Sard-Smale theorem. I.e. I consider a Banach bundle $\mathcal{L} \to \mathcal{M}\times \mathcal{G}$ ...
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