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When flatness of $S$ over $R_i$ implies flatness of $S$ over the ring generated by $R_1,R_2$

The following question I have asked in MSE, but have not received an answer, so I ask it here; I really apologize if it is not suitable for MO. Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero and let $R_1,...
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Flatness of certain quotient rings

Let $p,q \in \mathbb{C}[x,y]$ be two polynomials such that $p_xp_yq_xq_y \neq 0$ (namely, each partial derivative is non-zero). Assume that the following four conditions are satisfied: (1) $\frac{\...
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R[[X]] flat as a R[X]-module?

I assume $R[X]\rightarrow R[[X]]$ is not flat in general, but I was wondering if any conditions on a commutative ring $R$ are known such that $R[[X]]$ is flat as a $R[X]$-module. Would $R$ noetherian ...
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