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12 votes
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Does every finite group have a small projective representation (over some ring)?

Question. Let $G$ be a finite group. Can we find some (commutative) ring $R$ and some positive integer $d=O(\log\lvert G\rvert)$ such that $G$ can be found as a subgroup of $\operatorname{PGL}_d(R)$? ...
Carl Schildkraut's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

The mysterious significance of local subgroups in finite group theory

EDIT 21/12: Even if there are no conclusive answers to these questions, I would very much like to know if anyone has noted and attempted to explain the mysterious significance of local subgroups: are ...
semisimpleton's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

The radical of $kG$-modules

$\DeclareMathOperator\Rad{Rad}$Let $k$ be a finite field of $p$ elements. Let $G$ be an elementary abelian p-group and $V$ a $kG$-module corresponding to the representation $\alpha:G\rightarrow \...
N. SNANOU's user avatar
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Non-isomorphic groups with same character tables and different Brauer character tables

Let $A$ be a discrete valuation ring with perfect residue field $k$ of characteristic $p$ and field of fractions $K$ of characteristic $0$. Let $G$ and $H$ be two finite groups and assume that $K$ is ...
Sebastian A. Spindler's user avatar
6 votes
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first group cohomology for the standard representation of $S_n$ over $\mathbb{F}_2$

Let $g \geq 2$ be an integer and consider the symmetric group $S_n$ where $n = 2g+1$ or $n = 2g+2$ as a subgroup of the symplectic group $\mathrm{Sp}_{2g}(\mathbb{F}_2)$ via the standard ...
Jeff Yelton's user avatar
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subgroups of $\mathrm{Sp}_{2g}(\mathbb{Z}_2)$ whose mod-2 image is the symmetric group

Let $G \subseteq \mathrm{Sp}_{2g}(\mathbb{Z}_2)$ be a closed subgroup of the symplectic group over the $2$-adic integers whose image under the mod-$2$ homomorphism $\pi : \mathrm{Sp}_{2g}(\mathbb{Z}_2)...
Jeff Yelton's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Low-dimensional irreducible 2-modular representations of the symmetric group

I apologize if this question is a little too basic for MathOverflow, but it's somewhat outside of my background and I'm frustrated that the answer doesn't seem to be explicit in the literature even ...
Jeff Yelton's user avatar
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Module with indecomposable and decomposable reductions mod $p$

Let $G$ be a finite group and $p$ a prime dividing the order of $G$. Let $V$ be an irreducible $\mathbb{C}[G]$-module. Let $F$ be the finite field $\mathbb{Z} / p \mathbb{Z}$. Suppose that there ...
spin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Group of order $5p^aq^b$

In Lectures by Dan Bump on Modular representation theory, Theorem 13.14 states that whenever $G$ is a non-abelian simple group of order $|G|=p^aq^br$ for distinct primes $p$,$q$, and $r$, every $r$-...
FunctionOfX's user avatar
6 votes
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Finite groups with all irreducible representations one dimensional

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $p$ and $G$ a finite group. This question might be a dulicate of this question: Which finite groups have no irreducible representations other than characters? ...
user103474's user avatar
15 votes
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Which finite groups have no irreducible representations other than characters?

A classical result states that all the irreducible representations of a finite group over $\mathbb{C}$ are characters if and only if $G$ is abelian. I would like to know what happens if we consider a ...
Pablo's user avatar
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4 votes
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the number of indecomposable modules of finite groups over finite fields of a fixed dimension

I am interested in determining the the number of indecomposable modules of finite groups over finite fields of a fixed dimension. Specifically, I have the following conjecture: Conjecture. Suppose we ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Decomposing representations of finite groups

Let $G$ be a finite group, $p$ a prime number. We denote by $\mathbb{F}_p$ the field of cardinality $p$. Let $V$ be an infinite dimensional representation of $G$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$. Must there be $G$...
Pablo's user avatar
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3 votes
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Defect groups and subgroups

I have asked this question on Stack Exchange but had no response; it's been bugging me for a few days. I am struggling to see how to apply Mackey's theorem to prove a certain Lemma in Local ...
Clinton Boys's user avatar