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Fractional integration in Orlicz spaces

I am reading the paper "Fractional integration in Orlicz spaces" by R. Sharpley. And I would like to understand one question: Let $A,B, C$ are Young's functions. The spaces $L_A, L_B$ are ...
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Hölder inequality between different Orlicz spaces

If we have a product of functions $fg$ with $f\in L^r$ and $g\in L^s$ for some $s,r>1$ satisfying $1/r+1/s=1$, then we know that $fg\in L^1$. But if $g$ is a little bit more than $L^s$, say $L^s \...
Dorian's user avatar
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Condition on kernel convolution operator

I am studying O'Neil's convolution inequality. Let $\Phi_1$ and $\Phi_2$ be $N$-functions, with $$ \Phi_i(2t)\approx \Phi_i(t), \quad i=1,2 $$ with $t\gg 1$ and let $k \in M_+(\mathbf R^n)$ is the ...
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