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Bounds on quadratic character sums

I asked this question on Mathematics stack exchange but didn't get a response, so I ask here too. Let $\chi$ be the non-trivial quadratic character of $\mathbb{F}_q$, and let $f(x)$ be a square-free ...
Madarb's user avatar
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A question on the evaluations of certain three-dimensional hyper-Kloostermans

There is a basic question regrading the 3-dimensional hyper-Kloosterman sum which needs some help from the experts here: For any integers $q,h \in \mathbb{N}$, how to estimate the sum: $$\sideset{_{}^{...
hofnumber's user avatar
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On the estimate for the mixed 3-dimensional hyper-Kloosterman sum

There is a basic question regrading the mixed 3-dimensional hyper-Kloosterman sum: For any positive integer $n$ not divisible by $p$, how to prove $$\sideset{_{}^{}}{^{\ast}_{}}\sum _{x,y ,z\bmod p} \...
hofnumber's user avatar
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Why are Deligne-type exponential sum estimates so hard to use?

Let $F$ by a finite field, and $R(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n) := r_1(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)/r_2(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)$ a rational function in $n$ variables, frequently in analytic number theory or harmonic ...
Mark Lewko's user avatar
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Deligne's theorem on exponential sums

I'm an analyst who needs to use Deligne's Theorem 8.4 in 1, but I feel lost in the maze of definitions, and I don't trust my geometric intuition here. Theorem 8.4: Let $Q$ be a polynomial in $n$ ...
user90189's user avatar
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Mean square estimate for the Kloosterman sums

For $m,n\in \mathbb{N}$, denote the Kloosterman sum $$S(m,n;c)=\sum_{a\bmod c}e\left( \frac{ma+n \overline{a}}{c}\right),$$where $\overline{a}$ denotes the multiplicative inverse of $a\bmod c$. Does ...
FeiHou's user avatar
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Prerequisites to read Katz's Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups

What is the minimal background one must have to read Katz's Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups?
Mayank Pandey's user avatar
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An exponential sum like the Kloosterman sums

I encounter a tricky sum like the Kloosterman sum $${\sum_{x \mod P}}^\ast e\left(\frac{ax+\overline{x}}{P}+\frac{lx^2}{P^2}\right),$$ where $l$ is a positive integer co-prime with $P$ and here $P$ ...
FeiHou's user avatar
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Does a Kloosterman sum composed with a rational function exhibit square root cancellation?

Denote the classical Kloosterman and Salié sums, respectively, as $KL(a,b) = \sum_{r \in F_*} e(ar+\frac{b}{r})$ and $SL(a,b) =\sum_{r \in F_*} \chi(r) e(ar+\frac{b}{r})$, where $\chi(\cdot)$ is the ...
Mark Lewko's user avatar
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optimal estimate for generalized Kloosterman sum

Let $p$ be an odd prime. Denote $e(x):=e^{2\pi i\frac{x}{p}}$. Let $n\ge 2$ be an integer. Consider the exponential sum $$ S(f,g)=\sum_{g(x_1,\dots,x_n)=0, x_i\in\mathbb{F}_p}e(f(x_1,\dots,x_n)), $$ ...
ZTD's user avatar
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estimate for a sum of products of Weil's sum

Let $p$ be a prime and consider the field $\mathbb{F}_p$. Fix $f\in\mathbb{F}_p[X]$ a polynomial of degree $d\ge 2$. Define $$ K(x,y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{p}}\sum_{z\in\mathbb{F}_p}e_p(xz+yf(z)), $$ where $...
Tony B's user avatar
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exponential sum over variety

I am wondering where to find a good reference for bounds of the type $$\sum_{x\in V(\mathbb{F}_p)} \chi(g(x))\psi(f(x))$$ where $V$ is a variety, $\chi$ is a multiplicative character over $\mathbb{...
ttsp's user avatar
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Twisting by a multiplicative Character in Katz, Perversity and Exponential sums

Let $C(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ be a nonsigular cubic form with integral coefficients. In his proof that $C$ fulfills the Hasse-Principle, if $n\geq 9$, Hooley used the following estimate that was provided by ...
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