There is a basic question regrading the 3-dimensional hyper-Kloosterman sum which needs some help from the experts here:
For any integers $q,h \in \mathbb{N}$, how to estimate the sum: $$\sideset{_{}^{}}{^{\ast}_{}}\sum _{{x,y \bmod {qh}}} \sum_{\substack{t\bmod h \\(qt+y,h)=1 }}\, e\left (\frac{x+\overline{xy} +\overline{y+qt}+(y+qt) }{qh}\right)?$$ Here, the $\ast$ indicates that the summation is restricted to $(x,qh) = 1$ and $(y,qh) = 1$.
If $(q,h)=1$, then one may split this sum into several sub-sums of modulous $q$ and $h$; applying the bound $\sideset{_{}^{}}{^{\ast}_{}}\sum _{x,y \bmod {c}} e\left (({x+\overline{xy} +\overline{y}+y })/{c}\right)\ll c^{1+\varepsilon}$ for any $c\in \mathbb{N}$, one would quickly get the conclusion.
The question now is that if $q,h$ are not co-prime with each other, how do we get a decomposition of certain individual sub-sums, or more directly, whether we can obtain an estimate for the triple sum above?
I searched many papers; but, it seems that there is no a direct record regarding this type of triple sums. So, if any expert here knows some knowledge on this question, please show some guides or the corresponding references, many many many thanks.
Thanks in advance!