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How many equilaterals have vertices intersections of angle trisectors of a triangle?

The celebrated Morley’s theorem ensures that the interior trisectors, proximal to sides respectively, meet at vertices of an equilateral. In the paper Trisectors like Bisectors with Equilaterals ...
Spiridon Kuruklis's user avatar
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Two triangles have the same centroid theorem

Let $\triangle ABC$ and $\triangle A'B'C'$ be two triangles. The line through $A$ and perpendicular to $AA'$ meets the line through $B'$ and perpendicular to $BB'$ at $A_b$; The line through $A$ and ...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
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A generalization of the Sawayama-Thebault theorem

1. Introduction The Sawayama-Thebault theorem is one of the best nice theorem in plane geometry. The theorem has a long history. It was published in AMM in 1938 the first solution appeared in 1973 ...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
2 votes
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Four concyclic triangle centers

Can you prove the claim given below? Inspired by Lester's theorem I have formulated the following claim: Claim. Given any scalene triangle $\triangle ABC$ . Let $D$ be the reflection of incenter in ...
Pedja's user avatar
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Pseudo-Droz-Farny circles

I would like to present a construction of 2 circles. These 2 circles are somewhat similar in appearance to the well known Droz-Farny circles that can be drawn for every isogonal conjugate pairs of ...
A.Zakharov's user avatar