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How would you call morphisms of varieties that induce isomorphisms on etale cohomology in low degrees?

In our text we have several statements of the following sort: for a certain morphism $f:X\to Y$ of varieties over an (algebraically closed) field of characteristic $p$ and some $c>0$ the ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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details of a dévissage argument for constructible sheaves

I am working on the following Künneth-type isomorphism from [SGA5, exposé III, 2,3]: $\mathrm{Settings}.$ Let $X_1, X_2$ be separated finite type schemes over the spectrum of a field $S=\mathrm{Spec}...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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Is anything known about de Rham $K(\pi,1)$'s?

Let $X$ be a connected qcqs scheme. We say that $X$ is a (étale) $K(\pi,1)$ if for every locally constant constructible abelian sheaf $\mathscr{F}$ on $X$ and every geometric point $\overline{x}$ the ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Is there a ring stacky approach to $\ell$-adic or rigid cohomology?

Ever since Simpson's paper [Sim], it was observed that many different cohomology theories arise in the following way: we begin with our space $X$, we associate to it a stack $X_\text{stk}$ (which ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Calculating étale fundamental groups from the usual fundamental group

$\newcommand{Spec}{\operatorname{Spec}}$Let $X$ be a connected affine smooth variety over $\mathbb{Q}$, with a point $x\in X(\Spec(\mathbb{Q})$. For any algebraically closed field $K$ of ...
FPV's user avatar
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Proof of the projection formula (for cohomology of $\mathbf{P}V$)

Let $V\to X$ be a vector bundle (over say a scheme). Then the cohomology of its projectivisation is $$\text{H}^*(\mathbf{P}V)\ =\ \text{H}^*(X)[t]/(t^{n+1}+c_1(V)t^n+\cdots+c_n(V))$$ as an algebra, ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Computation of cohomology of Eilenberg-Maclane spaces

$\DeclareMathOperator\Aut{Aut}\DeclareMathOperator\Ext{Ext}\DeclareMathOperator\Spf{Spf}$Background: If $E$ is a complex-oriented spectrum, then $E^*(K(\mathbb{Z}/p^k,1))$ sits inside a long exact ...
taf's user avatar
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Rigid \'etale cohohomology of flag variety minus its rational points e.g $p$-adic Drinfeld half plane

Let $Fl=G/B$ over $\mathbb Q_p$ be the flag variety of a quasi-split reductive group $G$ over $\mathbb Q_p$, then $X=Fl-Fl(Q_p)$ shall exist as a rigid analytic variety over $\mathbb Q_p$, how to ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Stalks of limit sheaves

Let $\{\mathcal{F}_i\}_{i\in \mathbb{N}}$ be an inverse system of sheaves of abelian groups on a space $X$. Then for any $x\in X$ we have a natural map $$\left(\lim_i \mathcal{F}_i\right)_x\rightarrow ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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A Künneth formula for relative fiber products

There is a Künneth formula for the cohomology of a product of spaces $X\times Y$ in quite a lot of generality. Is there a Künneth formula for relative fiber products $X\times_S Y$? The case I am most ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Étale homotopy equivalent varieties are deformation equivalent

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. Let $V_1$ and $V_2$ be étale simply-connected smooth proper varieties over $k$. Assume there is an isomorphism between the prime-to-...
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How do I produce a basis of cohomology?

Suppose I am discussing a smooth projective variety over an algebraically closed field with my friend on the phone and I want to make a statement about its $l$-adic cohomology (integral or rational). ...
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Suspension Theorem in $\mathbb{A}^1$-homotopy

In algebraic topology, the suspension theorem tells us that for a topological space $X$, we have $$\tilde{H}^n(X,F)\cong \tilde{H}^{n+k}(S^k\wedge X,F).$$ So I'm wondering if this has an analogue in ...
curious math guy's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the etale homotopy type of the Witt group of braided fusion categories?

The Witt group $\mathcal{W}$ of braided fusion categories (see also the sequel paper) can be defined over any field; I am happy to restrict to characteristic $0$ if it matters. Is $\mathbb k \...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Is there a version of algebraic de Rham cohomology that can be used to calculate torsion classes?

Much work has gone into the construction of cohomology theories which are defined on algebraic varieties (étale, crystalline, etc.) and comparison isomorphisms between them. Say $X$ is an algebraic ...
user1092847's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalence between two basepoints of the etale homotopy type of the one-torus

Let $T = \mathbb{G}_m$ be the torus, and let $\tilde{T}$ be its étale universal cover (a pro-object in schemes of finite type). Then both $T$ and $\tilde{T}$ have a well-defined étale homotopy type. ...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
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Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence in etale cohomology?

Let $X,Y \rightarrow S$ be schemes over an algebraically closed field $k$. (Actually I'm interested in the case where they are stacks, but I'll ignore that for now.) The vague form of my question is: ...
user84144's user avatar
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spectral sequence for etale cohomology [closed]

I'm reading Etale cohomology. so I need to learn elementary spectral sequence for Leray spectral sequence. Please give me a reference so that I can quickly go to the main subject.
shayan gholami's user avatar
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Is there an analogue of the linking pairing in etale, crystalline, etc cohomology theories?

Let $M$ be a compact oriented manifold of dimension $n$. It is well-known that there is a perfect intersection pairing $$H_k(M;\mathbb{Z})_{torsion\,\,free}\otimes H_{n-k}(M;\mathbb{Z})_{torsion\,\,...
Philip Engel's user avatar
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Steenrod operations in etale cohomology?

For $X$ a topological space, from the short exact sequence $$ 0 \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/2 \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/4 \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/2 \rightarrow 0 $$ we get a Bockstein homomorphism $$H^i(X,...
user84144's user avatar
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Under what conditions is the induced map of etale fundamental groups surjective?

Let $f:X \to Y$ be a morphism of schemes. I am interested in sufficient conditions on $f$ which would ensure that the induced map $\pi_1^{et}(X) \to \pi_1^{et}(Y)$ of etale fundamental groups is ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Relative flasqueness?

It is known that a flasque sheaf on a topological space has trivial cohomology. Suppose that we are in a relative situation of a smooth fibration $\pi: X \to S$ and $F$ is a sheaf on $X$. Is there ...
Vladimir Baranovsky's user avatar
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How can one compute the cohomology of $i'^*C$, for $i':\mathbb{A}^{N-1}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb{A}^{N}\setminus \{0\} $?

For an (etale or 'topological', constructible bounded) complex of sheaves $C$ on $X'=\mathbb{A}^{N}\setminus \{0\} $, $i'$ being the embedding $\mathbb{A}^{N-1}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb{A}^{N}\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Lefschetz fixed point formula: an 'easy' proof; cohomology with compact support

I have two questions concerning the LFPF (for etale cohomology). Is there an easy 'explanation' of this statements (that could be understood by students)? In particular, I would like to get away with ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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etale homotopy and Adams conjecture

I was reading Quillen's paper on "Some remarks on etale homotopy theory and a conjecture of Adams". Up to some fact about etale version of spherical fibrations which was later proved by Friedlander, ...
Sam Nariman's user avatar
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Does one need to sheafify when defining the inverse image of a sheaf with respect to an embedding?

This seems to be a rather simple (stupid?:)) question; yet I was not able to find an answer quickly. For a morphism $f:X\to Y$ of schemes (or topological spaces) and an (etale or topological) sheaf $...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
10 votes
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Leray-Hirsch principle for étale cohomology

Let $p:E\to B$ be a continuous map of topological spaces and set $F_x=p^{-1}(x)$ for an $x\in B$. Take a commutative ring $A$ and assume for simplicity that each $H^\*(F_x,A)$ is a free $A$-module. ...
algori's user avatar
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86 votes
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Etale cohomology -- Why study it?

I know (at least I think I know) that some of the main motivating problems in the development of etale cohomology were the Weil conjectures. I'd like to know what other problems one can solve using ...
Joel Dodge's user avatar
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