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Efficient way to compute eigenvalue decomposition for following problem

I have an optimization problem $$\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & Tr(X^TAX) \\ \text{subject to} & X^TX=I \end{array}$$ where $A\in R^{n \times n}$ and it is symmetric positive definite, ...
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Conjugate gradient and the eigenvectors corresponding to the large eigenvalues [closed]

I am working on an optimization problem (for example, conjugate gradient) to solve $Ax=b$, where $A$ is a symmetric positive definite matrix. I can understand that the CG (conjugate gradient) has ...
Joshuashiing's user avatar
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Minimize a vector from a matrix operation

I want to minimize a certain vector that results from a matrix operation with some constraints and i don't exactly know how to tackle this problem. Lets say we have $$ (L+A)*s = v $$ L is the ...
leo_bouts's user avatar
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What transformation is required to find a unique solution of this problem instead of multiple solutions?

$$ \max\limits_{\mathbf{f},\ \|\mathbf f\|=1 } \log_2\left(\prod^K_{i=1} \ \frac{ \mathbf{f}^H {\mathbf E} (\mathbf{W}_i, \Theta, \tau_i) \mathbf{f}} { \mathbf{f}^H \mathbf{G}_i ( \mathbf{W}_i, \...
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