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Explicit S-duality map

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Th}{Th}$ The Thom space of a closed manifold $M$ ($\Th(M)$) is the $S$-dual to $M_+ (=M \cup \{pt\})$. Let $M$ be embedded in $\mathbf R^{n+k}$. I found the duality map from $S^...
Sagnik Biswas ma20d013's user avatar
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Homology of complements and homotopy equivalence

Albrecht Dold gave a short proof of the Jordan-Alexander complement theorem in the following form. Given two closed sets $A$, $B \subset {\bf R}^n$ that are homeomorphic, the singular homology groups $...
coudy's user avatar
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Finite domination and Poincaré duality spaces

Here are some definitions: A space is homotopy finite if it is homotopy equivalent to a finite CW complex. A space finitely dominated if it is a retract of a homotopy finite space. A space $X$ is a ...
John Klein's user avatar
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Alexander duality theorem for CW-complexes and stable homotopy theory

In Adams, J.F. Infinite Loop Spaces Princ. Univ. Press. page 9 he states Alexander duality theorem Theorem:[Alexander Duality] $$ H^r(X,G)=H_{n-r+1}(S^n-X,G)$$ for finite CW-complexes with a "nice ...
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