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Torsion free connection $\implies$ Jet coordinates $=$ Taylor expansion coefficients?

Suppose we have some smooth n-dimensional manifold $M$ endowed with basis 1-forms $\theta^a$ with $a=1\cdots n$. Then $\theta^a$ are sections of the coframe bundle $F^* M$. In local coordinates ($x^a$ ...
R. Rankin's user avatar
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The bundle of symmetric affine connections as quotient of the second-order frame bundle

This post is not about finding an answer to a certain problem - because the answer already exists - but rather about finding the simplest possible answer. The problem is: how to define the bundle $C(...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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1-jet bundle on vector bundle with metric connection

Background I'm working to simplify the Lagrangian formalism of classical field theory for the situation of a vector bundle with a bundle metric and a metric connection. Particularly, I want to specify ...
Tobias Ohrmann's user avatar