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Non-isomorphic compact Kähler manifolds not containing submanifolds biholomorphic to their conjugates

Let $(M, \omega_M, J_M)$ and $(N, \omega_N, J_N)$ be compact Kähler manifolds. Denote $g_M=\omega_M(\cdot, J_M\cdot)$ and $g_N=\omega_N(\cdot, J_N\cdot)$. Assume there is a diffeomorphism $\nu:M\to N$ ...
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Existence of harmonic symplectic structure on symplectic Riemannian manifold

This post is an expanded version of this MSE post. Assume that $(M, \omega)$ is a symplectic manifold which is equiped with a Riemannian metric. Is there a symplectic structure $\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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A quantity associated with a Riemannian surface

Assume that $E$ is a Riemannian vector bundle, then its structure group is reduced to $O(n)$. Then the structure group of $E \oplus E$ is reduced to $D(O(n) \oplus O(n)) \subset Sp(2n)$ ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Sectional curvature and injectivity radius of natural metric in cotangent bundles

In the following paper by Cielibak, Ginzburg and Kerman (arXiv link, Comm. Math. Helv. 2004 DOI link) they claim in page $3$ that the natural metric $\tilde g$ on $T^*M$ the sectional curvature is ...
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Compatible almost complex structures such that the associated riemannian metric has positive injectivity radius

Let $M$ be a compact manifold, consider $\omega$ the canonical symplectic form in $T^*M$ and $\hat J$ the canonical almost complex structure coming from the Sasaki metric. Let $\mathcal{J}$ be the set ...
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Flow on invariant Lagrangian tori

The most concrete version of the question is : A (necessarily) invariant Lagrangian torus $L$ on the unit cotangent of a Riemannian metric on the two-torus carries a periodic orbit with period $T$. ...
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Invariants associated to a principal bundle whose total space is a symplectic manifold acted symplectically by group structure

The following question - proposal came to my mind about 4 years ago but I did not find any solution to this question and did not find any answer via e-personal comunication with some ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Proving that a twisted cotangent bundle is geometrically bounded

In Cieliebak, Ginzburg and Kerman's paper Symplectic homology and periodic orbits near symplectic submanifolds, the authors claim and give a proof that a twisted cotangent bundle will be geometrically ...
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The Lie algebra of Harmonic functions

Is there a Riemannian metric $g$ on $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ with corresponding volume form $\omega= \sqrt{det(g_{ij})} dx \wedge dy$ and the corresponding Laplace operator $\Delta$ such that the space ...
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