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Divide angles by coefficients relate to Fibonacci sequence

In the left Figure, consider a right triangle $OPA$ with $\angle {AOP} = 90^\circ$. Let $\ell$ be the reflection of $PO$ in $PA$ and $\ell$ meets $OA$ at $A_1$. Let $O_1$ be the center of the circle $(...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
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$(n-2)$-degree curve passing through $n(n-1)/2$ midpoints

It is known that in the plane, there is an unique conic passing through given $5$ points. For any $4$ points, there is 6 segments which vertex from these points. It is known that $6$ midpoints of ...
Vu Thanh Tung's user avatar
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Higher order inflection points

Consider a smooth plane curve $X\subset\mathbb{P}^2$ of degree $d$. We will say that $x\in X$ is an inflection point of order $s$ if the tangent line $T_xX$, of $X$ at $x\in X$, intersects $X$ in $x\...
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Configuration of points on a plane curve

Let $C\subset\mathbb{P}^2$ be a smooth plane curve of degree six. On $C$ there are $21$ points given as the intersection points of two lines choosen among a set of seven lines. More precisely there ...
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Most divisors on a curve aren't special?

I have a generic smooth curve $C$ of genus $g$ and fixed multiplicities $a_1, \dots, a_n \geq 0$ with $\sum a_i = g+1$. Q1 : For generic marked points $p_1, \dots, p_n \in C$, must $\sum a_i p_i$ be a ...
Leo Herr's user avatar
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Very weak Riemann-Roch on curves (by J. Kollar)

I have a question on an unequality used in the proof of the Very weak Riemann-Roch on curves in Janos Kollar's Lecture on Resolution of Singularities (page 14): 1.13 (Very weak Riemann-Roch on curves)...
user267839's user avatar
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Which equation of a Butterfly?

Let $A, B$ be two points and $L$ be a line on the Euclidean Plane. Take two points $J, G$ on the line $L$ such that $JG=constant$. Let $AJ$ meet $BG$ at $P$, $AG$ meet $BJ$ at $Q$, then the locus of ...
Cố Gắng Lên's user avatar
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A problem of four curves

This is a generalization of my previous question, a problem of a cubic and six conics. Let a curve $(K)$ of degree $m$ and three curves $(C_i)$ of degree $n$, for $i=1,2,3$. Let $(C_1)$ meets $(K)$ ...
Oai Thanh Đào's user avatar
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Automorphisms of cartesian products of curves

Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve. Is it true that $$\textrm{Aut}(C\times C)\cong S_2 \ltimes (\textrm{Aut}(C)\times \textrm{Aut}(C))$$ and in case, what would be a reference for this? Thanks.
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Finite union of affinoid is affinoid in proper smooth rigid curves (unless it is everything)

In several papers I have found the surprising statement that finite unions of affinoid subspaces of a proper smooth and connected rigid curve are either the whole curve or again affinoid. Could you ...
Bear's user avatar
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A conjecture for a curve cuts a curve - variant Cayley-Bacharach's theorem

I propose a conjecture variant of Cayley-Bacharach's theorem. I'm an electrical engineer, I am not a mathematician. I don't know how to prove this result. Could you give a solution or let me know ...
Oai Thanh Đào's user avatar
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Etale covers of products of curves

Is a finite etale cover of a product of curves again a product of curves? The answer is no in general. Here's one way to construct an example. Take the product $A$ of two elliptic curves and an ...
Leka Tor's user avatar