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Pullback of Morse form satisfies Palais Smale

Let $(\alpha,g)$ be a Morse-Smale pair on a closed smooth manifold $M$, i.e. $\alpha$ is a Morse form and $g$ a Riemannian metric on $M$ such that stable and unstable manifolds of the gradient vector ...
Alessio Pellegrini's user avatar
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Tubular neighborhoods in the proof of the Morse homology theorem

I have a question regarding the proof of the Morse homology theorem given by D. Salamon in "Morse theory, the Conley index and Floer homology". The full text can be found here:
user59149's user avatar
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How to distinguish birth and death bifurcations?

Let $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ have a degenerate critical point at $x = 0 \, ($ie, $f(0) = f'(0) = f''(0) = 0)$. Perturbing $f$ locally around $0$ may cause multiple scenarios: Birth: the ...
Azur's user avatar
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Generalized Sard's lemma

Let $f: X \to \mathbb{R}$ be a $C^{1,1}$ (that is $C^1$ with Lipschitz differential) function on a manifold $X$. Suppose that $f$ is smooth at all points of a subset $C \subset \text{Crit}f$ of ...
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