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5 votes
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To what extent are geometric methods being used to attack the inverse Galois problem?

My limited knowledge so far is that some groups have been constructed geometrically using the theory of covering spaces, then applying Hilbert irreducibility. Is there a deeper way in which inverse ...
7 votes
2 answers

Monodromy groups from Galois's viewpoint

According to the Wikipedia article about monodromy, the monodromy group can be defined in terms of Galois theory in following way: Let $F(x)$ denote the field of the rational functions in the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Geometric intuition for the condition of Galois descent

Continuing in my attempts to understand bits and pieces of Borceux and Janelidze's Galois Theories, I've just realized that I don't have any geometric intuition for the most convenient ...