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induced group actions and covering maps on Eilenberg-Maclane space

Let M be a finite CW-complex. Let Σk be the symmetric group acting on k-letters. Suppose there is a free action of Σk on M. Then we have a covering map $$ f:M\to M/\Sigma_k. ...
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The homology of the braid group with coefficients in the Burau representation

Let Bn denote the braid group with n braids. The Burau representation BnGLn(Z[t±1]) makes (Q[t±1])n a Bn-module. I am curious in knowing what $H_i(B_n, (\...
Will's user avatar
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Description of regular covering maps between surfaces.

This is an improved and hopefully a more precise version of the question Covering spaces of surfaces. Question: Given a regular covering map π:ΣgΣh, where Σn denotes a ...
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