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Compactness with respect to topology induced by total-variation distance

I've been working on a problem and at some point in the proof I need to show that the following set $$\left\{\mu \in \mathcal{P}_{ac}(\mathbb R^d): \int \varphi(x)\mu(\mathrm{d}x)\leq C\right\}$$ is ...
Andrew Luo's user avatar
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Does the compactness of parameter of distribution function imply the compactness of the distribution (or probability measure) in Wasserstein space?

For a family of probability measures sharing the same form of distribution function $F(x; p)$ with different parameters (i.e., $p$'s), if the parameter falls in a compact subset of real line, can we ...
Rex Lee's user avatar
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Can I get away without using Arzela-Ascoli?

I am currently thinking of function-valued random variables. In order to prove a result, I need to approximate by (function-valued) step functions. This naturally leads to the idea of chopping up the ...
Daron's user avatar
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