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On $(k,\ell)$-sumfree sets

Call a set $\mathcal S \subset \mathbb N$ to be $(k,\ell)$-sumfree if there are no non-trivial solutions to the equation $$x_1+\dots +x_k = y_1+\dots +y_\ell$$ in the set (for distinct $x_i$'s and $...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
3 votes
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Decomposing a set of integers as a union of well-separated (discrete) intervals

Let a discrete interval be a set of the form $\{x \in \mathbb Z \colon a \le x \le b\}$ with $a, b \in \mathbb Z \cup \{\pm \infty\}$. Then define the boxing dimension $\text{bim}(S)$ of a set $S \...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Almost subgroups of $\mathbb S^1$

Suppose $X\subset \mathbb S^1$ is a finite subset of the group $\mathbb S^1$ such that $|X+X|<(1+c )|X|$ for a sufficiently small $c\in(0,1)$. I believe that in such case there exists a subgroup $G=...
aglearner's user avatar
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"Skew-dimension" and discrete parallelepipeds

Let $(G,+)$ be an abelian group. Given a subset $B\subseteq G\setminus\{0\}$, define the "discrete span" of $B$, which I will denote $\langle B\rangle_d$, to be the set of all $\sum A$ for $...
Atticus Stonestrom's user avatar
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Bounding size of partial difference sets given size of partial sumsets

In this paper by Katz and Tao, the following bounds were established. Let $A,B$ be finite subsets of an abelian group, with $|A|,|B|\le N$. We fix some $G \subset A\times B$. We define $C = \{a+b:(a,b)...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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Primitive recursive bounds for the the Gallai-Witt theorem

Let me first recall some facts: By the work of Gowers, the Van der Waerden numbers belong to class $\mathcal{E}^3$ of the Grzegorczyk hierarchy By the work of Shelah, the Hales-Jewett numbers belong ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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Almost quadratic difference sets

Does there exist a characterization of sets $S$ such that $|S-S|$ is "almost quadratic" in $|S|$? For instance, what are some examples of sets such that $|S-S|$ is on the order of $\frac{{|S|}^2}{\log ...
Olivia L's user avatar
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Packing almost-subgroups into a group

We consider a group finite $G$. We say a set $A\subset G$ injects a set $B$ if $|A+B| = |A||B|$, and let $I(B) = \max \{|A| :A\text{ injects } B\}$. For a subgroup $H$, it is well-known that $I(H) = |...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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Sets $X,Y$ of natural numbers such that any natural $n$ writes uniquely $n=x+y$ [duplicate]

There are many pairs $X, Y$ of infinite subsets of $\mathbb{N}:=\{0,1,2\dots\}$ such that any $n\in\mathbb{N}$ writes uniquely as $n=x+y$, with $x\in X$ and $y\in Y$. An example of such a pair is $(X,...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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12 votes
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Partition of [3n] into summoids

Let $ [n] $ be the set $ \{1,2,\ldots n\}$. A summoid is a subset $ A \subset [n] $ of the form $ \{a,b,a+b\} $ (you can choose a better name, if it doesn't exist already). Now, I developed by ...
I am not Paul Erdos's user avatar
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Playing leapfrog with primes

In connection with how primes jump (How do these primes jump?), I consider the following game. Let $R$ be a finite set of positive integers. For this question, I content myself with $R$ being the $k$ ...
Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
17 votes
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Combinatorics problem about sum of natural numbers

Following combinatorics problem is claimed to be an open problem in "The Princeton Companion to Mathematics" (pp. 6) Let $a_1,a_2,a_3,...$ be a sequence of positive integers, and suppose that each $...
rationalbeing's user avatar
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The original proof of Szemerédi's Theorem

Nowadays there are plenty of different proofs of the celebrated Szemerédi's Theorem but for historical reasons I would like to read and understand the original proof. The proof is very tricky and, for ...
Johnny Cage's user avatar
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An abstract zero-sum problem

I would like to know whether the problem described below has appeared in the literature and/or whether similar questions have been studied. I would be very happy to find some references or, if none ...
monkeymaths's user avatar
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Subsets of [1..N] with no three-term arithmetic progressions and no large gaps

Let S be a subset of [1..N] containing no three-term arithmetic progression, and let h(S) be the size of the largest gap between two consecutive elements of S. By Roth's theorem, h(S) has to grow ...
JSE's user avatar
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asymptotic for restricted partitions

Let $m$ and $n$ be two positive integers and denote by $P(n,m)$ the number of partitions of $n$ into $m$ non-negative integers. Is there an asymptotic formula for $P(n,m)$ ?? Any reference is welcome....
Giulio's user avatar
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How local the property of "being a partition" is?

Note: The problem is solved! See EDIT below. The following question about integer partitions arose from a purely "practical" question: Does there exist better dynamic programming algorithms for the ...
Stasys's user avatar
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Bounds on the size of sets not containing a given finite pattern

Recall the following version of Szemerédi's Theorem: let $r_k(N)$ be the largest cardinality of a subset of $[N]:=\{1,\ldots, N\}$ which does not contain an arithmetic progression of length $k$. Then, ...
Pablo Shmerkin's user avatar
11 votes
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Sums of subsets of $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$

I have encountered a problem that I suspect has been thoroughly studied but I have not been able to find references. Can anyone point me to a published reference dealing with this or a closely related ...
benblumsmith's user avatar
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Is the generalized Erdős–Heilbronn problem true for finite cyclic groups?

The generalized Erdős–Heilbronn (GEH) theorem, which is proved by da Silva and Hamidoune in 1994, states that: Theorem. If p is a prime and $X$ is a subset of $\mathbb{Z}_p$, then $|\hat{k}X| \geq \...
Hsien-Chih Chang 張顯之's user avatar
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Sum of sets modulo a square

I would be glad to see a reference to the following easy lemma in additive combinatorics: if $A_1$ and $A_2$ are two sets of remainders modulo $n^2$, each has cardinality $n > 1$ and all elements ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar