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What Cayley graphs arise as nodes+edges from "nice" polytopes and when are these polytopes convex?

The Permutohedron is a remarkable convex polytope in $R^n$, such that its nodes are indexed by permutations and edges correspond to the Cayley graph of $S_n$ with respect to the standard generators, i....
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Possible cardinalities of spherical tiling

Suppose that we have a tiling of $n$-dimensional (I want to get answer for $n = 4$, but general result would be nice!) sphere by isometric tiles strictly contained inside the right-angled simplex. ...
Denis T's user avatar
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Large subgroups of the Hamming cube

Let's consider the abelian group $\mathbb{Z}^N_2$ equipped with the Hamming metric (the hypercube). Suppose I have a subgroup of this hypercube (not necessarily a subcube) which is generated by a set ...
Dominic Dotterrer's user avatar
7 votes
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Burnside's Lemma and Geometry

I think one of the most interesting results in Elementary Group Theory is the so-called "Burnside's Lemma", counting the numbers of orbits of a (finite) group action. I wonder if there is any (...
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