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Matrix obtained by recursive multiplication and a cyclic permutation

Have you ever seen this matrix? Each row is obtained from the previous one by multiplying each element by the corresponding element of the next cyclic permutation of $(a_1,\dots, a_n)$: $$\left( \...
SandraS's user avatar
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Is there an efficient algorithm to check whether two matrices are the same up to row and column permutations?

Define $\mathcal M_n$ as the set of all $n\times n$ matrices with each entry either 1 or $x$. Two such matrices are equivalent iff they can be obtained from each other by swapping pairs of rows and ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Counting the (additive) decompositions of a quadratic, symmetric, empty-diagonal and constant-line matrix into permutation matrices

Dear community, I have the following combinatorial question which I will explain in short first and then with some more detail. At the end you will find a very simple example. Short version Le $A \...
herrsimon's user avatar
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Combinatorics and symmetry in matrices under row and column swaps

Suppose we have a $m\times n$ matrix and a sequence of numbers with which to fill the matrix, $\{c_1,c_2 \dots c_k \}$. I like to think of the numbers as colors, hence the notation. How many unique ...
Benjamin van Heerden's user avatar
6 votes
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Rank and frequency of permutations

(a) Let $[n] = \{1,\dotsc,n\}$, and let $\pi:[n]\to [n]$ be a permutation. Define an $n$-by-$n$ matrix $A=A(\pi)$ as follows: $A_{i,j}=1$ if $j>i$ and $\pi(j)>\pi(i)$, $A_{i,j}=-1$ If $j<i$ ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Relation graph isomorphism to discrete logarithm

$\DeclareMathOperator\ora{ora}$Let $A_0$ be the adjacency matrix of graph $G$ and $P_0$ permutation matrix of multiplicative order $\rho$. Let $X$ be positive integer and $B_0=P_0^X A_0 P_0^{-X}$. Q1 ...
joro's user avatar
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Number of $\{0,1\}$ matrices with distinct rows and distinct columns

How many $M\in\{0,1\}^{r\times c}$ are there such that each row and each column of $M$ is distinct? How many classes of matrices in $\{0,1\}^{r\times c}$ up to permutation equivalence are there such ...
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Minimum local permutation data needed to globally merge locally sorted sequences?

We have $k$ blocks of integer sequences $B_1,\dots,B_k$ where $B_i$ is a sequence $$a_{i,1},\dots,a_{i,n_i}$$ with $a_{i,j}\leq a_{i,j+1}$. Denote the permutation matrix $M_{\ell,\ell'}$ that merges $...
VS.'s user avatar
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Are the ranks of the following matrices given by these simple expressions?

The question itself is formulated in the title, so below I specify the matrices and expressions mentioned there. In case if this is something known or can be easily deduced from something known, this ...
Nikita Safonkin's user avatar
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Deciding if given number is a permanent of matrix

The permanent of an $n$-by- $n$ matrix $A=\left(a_{i j}\right)$ is defined as $$ \operatorname{perm}(A)=\sum_{\sigma \in S_{n}} \prod_{i=1}^{n} a_{i, \sigma(i)} $$ The sum here extends over all ...
Alexandr Dorofeev's user avatar