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13 votes
1 answer

Near-linear mappings from $\mathbb F_p$ to $\mathbb R$

$\newcommand{\F}{{\mathbb F}}$ $\newcommand{\R}{{\mathbb R}}$ $\renewcommand{\phi}{\varphi}$ Let $p\ge 5$ be a prime. If the functions $\phi_1,\phi_2,\phi_3\colon\F_p\to\R$ satisfy $\phi_1(x)+\...
Seva's user avatar
  • 23k
5 votes
2 answers

Cardinality of certain subsets in vector spaces over finite fields

Assume that you have an $n$-dimensional vector space over a finite field (therefore the number of elements in the vector space is finite) and $F$ is a subset of this vector space which contains $m$ ...
user115608's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Disjoint union of affine subspaces contains a larger affine subspace

I'd like to say that a large structured subset of the $n$-dimensional Boolean cube $\{0,1\}^n$ contains a non-trivial affine subspace. To be more specific, I want to prove/disprove that for some ...
Alex Golovnev's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Maximal size of an almost-disjoint linearly independent family in $K^{\mathbb{N}}$

Let $K$ be a field, say infinite, and denote by $L$ the $K$-vector space $K^{\mathbb{N}}$. What is the maximal cardinality of a $K$-linearly independent subset $X$ of $L$ such that any two distinct ...
user38700's user avatar
1 vote
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Approximation of sets

Is the following true? For every $\varepsilon>0$ there is a finite subset $W$ of $\mathbb{N}\times \mathbb{N}\times \mathbb{N}$, such that $$|p_1(W)\cap p_2(W)\cap \{p_1(x)+p_2(x):x\in W\}\cap \{...
K Lianino's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Only trivial solutions to system of linear diophantine equations possibly related to hamiltonian cycles in graphs

This might be related to counting hamiltonian cycles. @Peter Taylor gave negative result about the one dimensional case, but we believe his attack is not directly applicable to this question. Given ...
joro's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

$\ell^1$-bound on graph laplacian with weight

Consider the $\mathbb Z^2$ lattice, we then define for $u=(u_{ij})_{i,j \in \mathbb Z}$ the discrete Laplacian $$(\Delta u)_{i,j}=u_{i+1,j}+u_{i-1,j}+ u_{i,j+1}+u_{i,j-1}$$ and the weight which pushes ...
Sascha's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Collecting terms of a linear expression with nested sums and combinatorics in coefficients

I need to collect the $\Pr(\cdot)$ terms of the following expression: $\sum_{m=3}^{n}\frac{g_{m}\left( \cdot \right) }{\left( \sqrt{\theta \left( 1-\theta \right) }\right) ^{m}}\left[ \sum_{j=2}^{m-1}...
Giovanni Ursino's user avatar