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On modified Bessel solutions to complex ODE's using Kummer's series

I am trying to reduce the following ODE to Bessel's ODE form and hence solve it: $$x^{2}y''(x)+x(4x^{3}-3)y'(x)+(4x^{8}-5x^{2}+3)y(x)=0\tag{1} \, .$$ I tried to solve it via the standard method, i.e.,...
Spoilt Milk's user avatar
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Convergence of Bessel (Sturm-Liouville) Expansions at the End Points

I have asked this question before on MSE but received no answer at all. So I assume that it is proper to ask it here. I am not a mathematician so my language may not be too precise, please correct me ...
Hosein Rahnama's user avatar
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Green's Function for a Kernel with Symmetric Fourier Transform $\nabla^2-x^2$

I am trying to find the inverse of the following kernel in 3 dimensions $$ \nabla^2-x^2, $$ where, $$ x^2=\vec{x}.\vec{x} $$ It seems quit simple and one would think there should already be solutions ...
Lawless's user avatar
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Energy Oscillations in a One Dimensional Crystal

Good day! Can anyone help me find articles on similar topics "Energy Oscillations in a One Dimensional Crystal" (I have links to one article on this subject)? article, that I have Especially ...
Александр Вакулин's user avatar