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First-order logics expressively equivalent to the computable languages

There is a really nice theorem that the subsets of $(\Sigma^*, =_{el}, \preceq, (S_a)_{a \in \Sigma})$ definable in first-order logic are exactly the regular sets. Where: $\Sigma^*$ is the set of ...
TomKern's user avatar
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Busy beaver sequence for a simple tag-like system

This question arose in the context of tag-like systems, specifically Bitwise Cyclic Tag (BCT). Consider the following discrete dynamical system: Let $\mathbb{B} = \{\mathtt{0}, \mathtt{1}\}$. Let our ...
user76284's user avatar
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decidability of regularity of a language depending on representation

It is well known that many decision problems for regular languages are decidable. However, the proofs seem to rely on a witness of the regularity of said language, be it an automaton, a grammar, a ...
Sebastian Mueller's user avatar
18 votes
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Is Post's tag system solved?

Has the 3-tag system investigated by Emil Post $(0\to00, 1\to1101)$ been solved? Is there a decision algorithm to determine which starting strings terminate, which end up in a cycle, and which (if any)...
Thomas's user avatar
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Understanding the paper: "Guarded Fixed Point Logic"

This question is specifically about the paper "Guarded Fixed Point Logic" by Gradel and Walukiewicz. Among other things they prove the decidability of the satisfiability problem for Fixpoint Loosely ...
Alberto's user avatar
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Deciding equivalence of regular languages

Given two regular expressions $R$ and $S$ on an alphabet $\Sigma$ it is possible to decide their equivalence as follows: build two finite automata $M_R$ and $M_S$ such that $L(R) = L(M_R)$ and $L(S) =...
Alberto's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is there an algorithm that can "reverse engineer" a Regular Expression?

Given a Regular language (represented as a black box to which one can apply inputs and get 0/1) Is there an algorithm that can find a finite deterministic automaton that produces that language?
Golan's user avatar
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Given a PDA M such that L(M) is in DCFL construct a DPDA N such that L(N) = L(M)

Is it possible to construct an algorithm which takes as input a pushdown automaton $M$ along with the information that the language accepted by this automaton $L(M)$ is a deterministic context-free ...
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