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4 votes
3 answers

free homotopy groups -- when do they exist?

Let (X,x) be a pointed space. There is an action of π1(X,x) on πn(X,x) -- determined by considering πn(X,x)=πn-1(ΩxX,x), where ΩxX denotes the space of loops in X based at x, ...
Aaron Mazel-Gee's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can you construct a mapping space from local data? (looking for reference)

I'd to know if/where there is a reference for the following construction. Let C_*(maps(M, T)) denote the singular chains on the space of continuous maps from an n-...
Kevin Walker's user avatar
  • 12.8k
30 votes
3 answers

Why is homology not (co)representable?

This is in the same vein as my previous question on the representability of the cohomology ring. Why are the homology groups not corepresentable in the homotopy category of spaces?
Dinakar Muthiah's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Representablity of Cohomology Ring

I know that the individual cohomology groups are representable in the homotopy category of spaces by the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. Is it also true that the entire cohomology ring is representable? If ...
Dinakar Muthiah's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

proving that an inclusion map from a subcomplex is a homotopy equivalence

This is a pretty basic question but I have been stuck on it for a while. Given an abstract simplicial complex X and a subcomplex A, why does * suffice to show that the map |A|->|X| induced by ...
j.c.'s user avatar
  • 13.6k
7 votes
1 answer

Pontryagin product from an operad

For a topological group G, we have a Pontryagin product in homology by multiplying representative cycles. This gives the homology the structure of an associative graded algebra. Am I correct in ...
skupers's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

singular cohomology of SO(4)

I'm trying to compute the singular cohomology of SO(4), just as practice for using spectral sequences. I got H0=Z, H1=0, H2=Z/2Z, H3=Z⊕Z, H4=0, H5=Z/2Z, and H6=Z. Are these correct? I'm not ...
Aaron Mazel-Gee's user avatar
22 votes
13 answers

Category theory sans (much) motivation?

So I have a friend (no, really) who's taking algebra and is struggling to gain intuition for it. My story is as follows: I used to hate abstract algebra, with pretty much a burning passion, until I ...
17 votes
8 answers

Smooth classifying spaces?

Take G to be a group. I care about discrete groups, but the answer in general would be welcome too. There are the various ways to construct the classifying space of G, bar construction, cellular ...
Josh's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Commutativity in K-theory and cohomology

The Chern classes give a map $f : BU \to \prod_n K(\mathbb{Z},2n)$, which is a rational equivalence. However, it is not an equivalence over $\mathbb{Z}$ because the cohomology of $BU$ is just a ...
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
  • 31.2k
21 votes
5 answers

How to compute the (co)homology of orbit spaces (when the action is not free)?

Suppose a compact Lie group G acts on a compact manifold Q in a not necessarily free manner. Is there any general method to gain information about the quotient Q/G (a stratified space)? For example, I ...
Orbicular's user avatar
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53 votes
8 answers

Analogue to covering space for higher homotopy groups?

The connection between the fundamental group and covering spaces is quite fundamental. Is there any analogue for higher homotopy groups? It doesn't make sense to me that one could make a branched ...
j.c.'s user avatar
  • 13.6k
80 votes
7 answers

Teaching statements for math jobs?

What is the purpose of the "teaching statement" or "statement of teaching philosophy" when applying for jobs, specifically math postdocs? I am applying for jobs, and I need to write one of these ...
22 votes
5 answers

Describing the universal covering map for the twice punctured complex plane

As is well known, the universal covering space of the punctured complex plane is the complex plane itself, and the cover is given by the exponential map. In a sense, this shows that the logarithm has ...
Sam Derbyshire's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Euler characteristic of a manifold and self-intersection

This is probably quite easy, but how do you show that the Euler characteristic of a manifold M (defined for example as the alternating sum of the dimensions of integral cohomology groups) is equal to ...
Sam Derbyshire's user avatar
41 votes
7 answers

Simplicial objects

How should one think about simplicial objects in a category versus actual objects in that category? For example, both for intuition and for practical purposes, what's the difference between a [...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Differentials in the Lyndon-Hochschild spectral sequence

The Lyndon-Hochschild(-Serre) spectral sequence applies to group extensions in a manner analogous to the Serre-Leray spectral sequence applied to a fibration. Does anyone know of a good description (...
Josh's user avatar
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76 votes
9 answers

understanding Steenrod squares

There is a function on $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$-cohomology called Steenrod squaring: $Sq^i:H^k(X,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}) \to H^{k+i}(X,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})$. (Coefficient group suppressed from ...
Aaron Mazel-Gee's user avatar
66 votes
5 answers

Does homology have a coproduct?

Standard algebraic topology defines the cup product which defines a ring structure on the cohomology of a topological space. This ring structure arises because cohomology is a contravariant functor ...
JoeG's user avatar
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104 votes
10 answers

Motivation for algebraic K-theory?

I'm looking for a big-picture treatment of algebraic K-theory and why it's important. I've seen various abstract definitions (Quillen's plus and Q constructions, some spectral constructions like ...
11 votes
2 answers

Elliptic curve over spectra?

Filling the gaps in my knowledge to understand the tmf question. So, what is the analogue of elliptic curve over the category of spectra?
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
44 votes
7 answers

How do you show that $S^{\infty}$ is contractible?

Here I mean the version with all but finitely many components zero.
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Ribbon graph decomposition of the moduli space of curves

What is a ribbon graph? What is the ribbon graph decomposition of the moduli space of curves? What are some good references for this material?
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
43 votes
5 answers

How can you tell if a space is homotopy equivalent to a manifold?

Is there some criterion for whether a space has the homotopy type of a closed manifold (smooth or topological)? Poincare duality is an obvious necessary condition, but it's almost certainly not ...
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
  • 31.2k
0 votes
0 answers

Ignore this question [closed]

This question is a hacky way to create some tags for you to use. Move along.
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar

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