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90 votes
5 answers

Algorithm or theory of diagram chasing

One of the standard parts of homological algebra is "diagram chasing", or equivalent arguments with universal properties in abelian categories. Is there a rigorous theory of diagram chasing, and ...
Greg Kuperberg's user avatar
72 votes
3 answers

Where do all these projection formulas come from?

I have been intrigued for a long time by the formal similarity of results from different areas of mathematics. Here are some examples. Set theory Given a map $f:X\to Y$ and subsets $X' \subset X, Y'\...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Twisted spin bordism invariants in 5 dimensions

[Note]: My question will be a bit long. So, first, thank you for your careful reading, generous comments, helps and answers, in advance! The spin $G$-bordism invariant can be twisted in the way that ...
wonderich's user avatar
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7 votes
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spectral sequence for a complex with two filtrations

Suppose $(C,d)$ is a chain complex: an abelian group with a map $d:C \to C$ such that $d^2 = 0$ (people like to assume $C$ is graded; if that helps - feel free to do so). A filtration is an ascending ...
Just Me's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Group (Co)Homology of Symmetric Group

The question concerns the group homology or group cohomology of symmetric groups. The entries in and in this MO post show the results for the symmetric group S$_4$. groupprops....
wonderich's user avatar
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