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Inscribing a "chain" into an open cover

Let $X$ be a locally connected topological space, which is covered by open sets $\{U_{\alpha},\alpha\in A\}$ and let $C$ be an arc in $X$, i.e. a homeomorphic image of an interval. Is it always ...
erz's user avatar
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induced group actions and covering maps on Eilenberg-Maclane space

Let $M$ be a finite $CW$-complex. Let $\Sigma_k$ be the symmetric group acting on $k$-letters. Suppose there is a free action of $\Sigma_k$ on $M$. Then we have a covering map $$ f:M\to M/\Sigma_k. ...
QSR's user avatar
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Image of the map induced on homology by a covering

I asked this question on (, but it have not attracted much of attention. Let $X$ and $Y$ are ...
user79456's user avatar
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Homology of universal abelian cover of a manifold

If one define the universal abelian covering $M_0$ of a manifold $M$ as the abelian covering (i.e. normal covering with abelian group of deck transformations) that covers any other abelian covering, ...
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