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Is a presentation of the hyperbolic orthogonal group of rank 2 over the integers known?

The hyperbolic orthogonal group $O_{g,g}(\mathbb{Z})$ often appears in the study of high-dimensional manifolds, see e.g. work of Kreck or Galatius and Randal-Williams. Let $H$ denote the lattice $\...
skupers's user avatar
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Variants of Selberg trace formula

I am familiar with a basic case of Selberg's trace formula, in the case of quotients of upper half plane (for example, see Sections 5.1 - 5.3 of Bergeron's book). Section 5.1 describes a general setup ...
user482438's user avatar
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Hecke eigensystem in cohomology vs. compactly supported cohomology

What follows is a question that's probably well-known to experts, but I haven't been able to find a reference. Let $\mathrm G$ be a connected, semisimple $\mathbb Q$-group. Let $K \subset \mathrm G(\...
user94041's user avatar
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Commensurability of arithmetic, irreducible, nonuniform lattices

Let $n \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 2}$ be arbitrary. Let $r_1$ and $r_2$ be arbitrary elements of $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$ that satisfy $r_1 + r_2 > 0.$ Let $G := {\rm SL}_n(\mathbb{R})^{r_1} \times {\rm SL}...
Mishel Skenderi's user avatar