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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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The properties of Pos

Given $n\in\mathbb{N}$, and $f:\mathbb{N}^*\rightarrow \mathbb{N}$, let define $Pos$ as: $$Pos(f)(n)= |\{x \leq n, f(x)=f(n)\}|$$ When given $n\in\mathbb{N}$, this function gives the 'position' of $...
Arpad Deak-Chevillard's user avatar
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A closed formula for this arithmetic function

The following function comes up in my research as part of a sufficient condition for capability of $p$-group of class two and prime exponent. Given a nonnegative integer $m$, express $m$ as a ...
Arturo Magidin's user avatar
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Given $\,m=\prod_k {p_k}^{\alpha_k}\,$ and the function $\,g(m)=\sum_k \alpha_k(p_k-1)^2$, find all solutions of the equation $\,g(2n)=n$

Let's consider the unique decomposition of a natural number $\,m\,$ into its prime factors: $$\prod_k {p_k}^{\alpha_k}$$ Then, let's define the following arithmetic function (completely additive) $\,g:...
Augusto Santi's user avatar