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A general question about spectral methods vs finite element methods

According to this Wikipedia article: Spectral methods can be computationally less expensive and easier to implement than finite element methods; they shine best when high accuracy is sought in simple ...
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Comparison of cubic Hermite finite element and cubic B-spline finite element (regarding condition number of stiffness matrix)

Background: Consider the one-dimensional second-order elliptic PDE, $$ \left\{\!\! \begin{aligned} & -(a(x)u'(x))'+b(x)u(x)=f(x)\qquad x\in[0,1]\\ & u(0)=u(1)=0 \end{aligned} \...
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Formulation of multipoint constraints using Lagrange multipliers for a time dependent problem (with the Finite Element Method)

Intro Suppose we have the following static linear equations (e.g. of an elastostatic problem): $$\mathbf{K}\boldsymbol{u}=\boldsymbol{f}$$ We want a multipoint constraint of the type $$\boldsymbol{\...
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How to solve with FEM a semilinear elliptic equation?

I searched in many books regarding FEM how to solve semilinear elliptic equation, but I did not find too many things. They mostly treat linear and simple problems. For example in P.Ciarlet-The finite ...
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