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Books on complex analysis for self learning that includes the Riemann zeta function?

I am searching for an introductory book in the field of complex analysis for self learning, that would contain the following: Analytic number theory : the connection between complex analysis and ...
user144435's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

Good uses of Siegel zeros?

The short version of my question goes: What is known to follow from the existence of Siegel zeros? A longer version to give an idea of what I have in mind: The "exceptional zeros" of course first ...
Kálmán Kőszegi's user avatar
49 votes
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The Hardy Z-function and failure of the Riemann hypothesis

David Feldman asked whether it would be reasonable for the Riemann hypothesis to be false, but for the Riemann zeta function to only have finitely many zeros off the critical line. I very rashly ...
David Hansen's user avatar
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