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On covering with Idoneal integers

$d\in\Bbb N$ is an idoneal integer if $N\in\Bbb N_{>1}$ can be written uniquely as $N=x^2\pm dy^2$ then $N=2^mp^n$ where $p$ is odd prime and $n\geq0$ and $m\geq0$ holds. Let the $65$ known ...
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Correspondence between class group of binary quadratic forms and the narrow class group via Dirichlet composition: an elementary approach?

I have been trying to explore and learn about connections between the form class group and the ideal class group. To be on the same page, we define the form class group of a negative discriminant $D \...
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Genus of binary quadratic forms: $f(x,y), g(x,y)$ in same genus if and only if represent same values in $(\mathbb Z/m\mathbb Z)^\ast$ for all $m$

In David Cox's book: Primes of the form $x^2+ny^2$, second edition, there is a theorem(Theorem 3.21, page 52) characterize whether two binary quadratic forms in the same genus. The contents of the ...
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