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Is the homotopy limit of derived schemes along affine maps a derived scheme?

The title question is true in the setting of ordinary limits and ordinary schemes; that is, given an inverse limit of schemes along affine maps, the limit still lives in the category of schemes. I'd ...
Eric's user avatar
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Does Grothendieck's algebraization imply existence of colimits of schemes?

I am a little bit confused about two lemmas regarding Grothendieck's algebraization. Assume all algebras are defined over some field. Here is the short version of my question: Does Tag 09ZT ("...
user127776's user avatar
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Ferrand pushouts for algebraic stacks

Given algebraic spaces $X$, $Y$, $Z$ with a finite morphism $Y \rightarrow X$ and a closed immersion $Y \hookrightarrow Z$, the pushout $P \cong X \amalg_Y Z$ exists as an algebraic space (cf. Temkin ...
some1random's user avatar
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Sheaf cohomology commutes with colimits of sheaves

Let $X$ be a Noetherian scheme over a Noetherian ring $R$ and $(F_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in I}$ a direct system of $O_X$-module sheaves on $X$. I'm looking for source literature where I can find a proof ...
user267839's user avatar
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Is the module of Kähler differentials a coend?

Let $\phi\colon R\to S$ be a ring map. The module of Kähler differentials $\Omega_{S/R}$ of $\phi$ can be constructed as the following coequaliser: $$\left(\bigoplus_{(a, b)\in S^2} S[(a, b)]\right) \...
Emily's user avatar
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Reference for limits of schemes with non-affine transitions?

Inverse systems of projective schemes appear in several contexts, for example: in constructing the Zariski-Riemann space of a projective variety, in studying subvarieties of a projective variety ...
Matthieu Romagny's user avatar
9 votes
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Simple examples of colimits of affine schemes (evaluated in the presheaf category) which are not affine schemes

Notation and Setting: let $\operatorname{Aff}$ denote the category of affine schemes whose objects are covariant representable functors $\operatorname{X}:\operatorname{Ring}\rightarrow\operatorname{...
sagirot's user avatar
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Basic example of a formal affine scheme, functorial point of view

$\let\opn=\operatorname$For my BA thesis I have to describe formal groups from the functorial point of view. I am hence reading Strickland - Formal Schemes and Formal Groups, which is apparently the ...
sagirot's user avatar
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12 votes
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Defining abstract varieties and their morphisms over a finitely generated subfield of the base field

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. By a finitely generated subfield of $k$ I mean a subfield $k_0\subset k$ that is finitely generated over the prime subfield of $k$ (that is, over $\mathbb Q$ ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Pushout of Nisnevich sheaves

Let us consider the projective line $\mathbb{P}^1$ over a field $k$ and take the following open embeddings $$j_{\epsilon}\colon \mathbb{P}^1\setminus\{0,\infty\} \to \mathbb{P}^1\setminus\{\epsilon\}$$...
Stefano Nicotra's user avatar
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Representable functors and direct limits

Let $\mathcal{F}:\mathrm{Sch}/S \to \{\mathrm{Sets}\}$ be a representable functor. Denote by $X$ the scheme representing $\mathcal{F}$. The question is whether the natural tranformation $\mathcal{F}(-)...
user43198's user avatar
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Universal property of limits of invertible sheaves

Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring, $m$ the maximal ideal and $f:X \to \mathrm{Spec}(R)$ be a flat, proper morphism of relative dimension $1$. Assume further that $X$ is regular. For any $n>0$, ...
Jana's user avatar
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Inverse limits of schemes and open subsets

Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring, $\{A_i\}_{i \in I}$ be a direct system of $R$-algebras and $A$ the limit of the system. Let $X$ be a noetherian projective scheme over $\mathrm{Spec}(R)$. ...
Jana's user avatar
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Chow group over function field and algebraic equivalence

It is known that for smooth projective varieties $X,Y$ over $k=\bar k,$ $$CH^d(X_{k(Y)})=\varinjlim_{U\subset Y\ open}CH^d(X\times_k U)$$ I was wondering whether there was such an equality with ...
user100915's user avatar
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Is it possible to assume that an étale neighborhood is connected?

I am new to étale topology (though I've seen Grothendieck's sites before). Let $S:=\mathcal{O}^\textrm{sh}_{X,x}$ be the strict local ring of a point $x$ of a scheme $X=\operatorname{Spec}R$ (over a ...
user66483's user avatar
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Pro-affine varieties over a local field

Let $K$ be a (perfect) local field, and let $S = \lim (\operatorname{Spec} A_i)_{i=0}^\infty$ be a pro-affine variety over $K$. This means that each $A_i$ is a finite type $K$-algebra and that the ...
Harry's user avatar
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Comparing colimits in schemes with colimits in sheaves of sets

Suppose I have a diagram of schemes, and I know that the colimit exists in the category of schemes. How does this colimit compare with the colimit of the corresponding sheaves (I'm being nonspecific ...
Dinakar Muthiah's user avatar
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Colimit of an etale diagram of schemes

It is known that the category of schemes is not cocomplete (e.g. see this question: Colimits of schemes). However, do diagrams of schemes for which every morphism is etale have colimits? More ...
David Carchedi's user avatar