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Radial similarity of Newton polytopes

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero, and assume that $p,q \in k[x,y]$ is a Jacobian pair, namely, $p_xq_y-p_yq_x \in k^*$ (= the determinant of the Jacobi matrix $\in k^*$). It is known that ...
3 votes
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Average nastiness of a Newton polytope

Given a Newton polytope $P$ inside the $d$-scaled simplex ( i.e $\alpha \in P \implies | \alpha |=d $ ), then we define the following quantity: $$ P(x)= \left( \sum_{\alpha \in P} \binom{d}{\alpha}...
1 vote
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About properties of polynomials with common interlacing

Say $\{a_1,a_2,..,a_n\}$ and $\{b_1,b_2,...,b_n\}$ be the real roots of two monic polynomials of degree $n$ which have a common interlacing. (say I have arranged the roots in increasing order) Can ...
13 votes
3 answers

When are Ehrhart functions of compact convex sets polynomials?

Given a lattice $L$ and a subset $P\subset \mathbb R^d$, we define for each positive integer $t$ $$f_P(L,t)=|(tP\cap L)|$$ the number of lattice points in $tP$. Let's say $P$ is nice if $f_P(L,t)$ is ...