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What does it mean for a complex valued function on $G(\mathbb A)$ to be smooth (or smooth of compact support)?

Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group over a number field $k$. Let $\mathbb A$ denote the adeles of $k$, $\mathbb A_f$ the finite adeles, and $k_{\infty} = \prod\limits_{v \mid \infty} k_v$. Here are ...
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Spectral decomposition of idele class group $L^2(\mathbb{I}_F/ F^{\times})$

Let $F$ be a number field. Let $\mathbb{A}_F$ be the ring of adeles. The group of units of $\mathbb{A}_F$ is called the group of ideles $\mathbb{I}_F=\mathbb{A}_F^{\times}= GL_1(\mathbb{A}_F)$. The ...
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